
Fast Company magazine interviewed Brian Kardon, CMO of Lattice Engines, a B2B sales intelligence software firm in New York, on best practices in B2B PR.

It’s a good interview, with some thoughtful perspectives on PR from a senior marketing professional. Especially Kardon’s view on change and opportunity:

What do you see as the biggest change and opportunity today in B2B public relations?

It’s hard to think of a profession that has changed more in the past 10 years! A brand is what Google says it is. Press releases are created for organic search purposes. PR is a real-time business. Newsjacking is often a way to amplify attention. News cycles are frequently measured in minutes and hours, and not days. There is a whole new technology backbone to support PR – to communicate, track, measure and identify opportunities. Blogs posts serve as “link bait” for people and companies hyperlinked in those posts. Pity the PR person who is not agile and technically astute.

There has never been greater opportunity to engage with influencers than today. You don’t have to get someone to a meeting or on the phone to engage. A tweet, comment on a blog, DM, twitpic, and video are all ways to engage in new ways. It is very much a two-way street. Successful PR professionals know how to help the media and influencers to make a connection or write a story. They feed valuable, timely information to the right person with long-term relationship building in mind.

Overall, I think he’s spot on especially as the biggest change and opportunity he illustrates can apply to public relations at large, not only in B2B.

Would you agree?

[Image: Flickr user Ludita, used under Creative Commons.]

8 responses to “Pity the PR person who is not agile and technically astute”

  1. […] Pity the PR person who is not agile and technically astute Fast Company magazine interviewed Brian Kardon, CMO of Lattice Engines, a B2B sales intelligence software firm in New York, on best practices in B2B PR. It’s a good interview, with some thoughtful per… […]