A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to use ) technologies and tools that let them get things done.
The notion of BYOD – where employees bring their own devices to work and use them for work rather than the far more common practice of a device given to them, and managed/controlled by, the IT department – is capturing imaginations everywhere, in big organizations especially.
BYOD is one of those topics that is hugely hyped, as Gartner’s latest hype cycle for emerging technologies suggests where BYOD currently sits at the high point of the peak of inflated expectations.
BYOD undoubtedly has many benefits, balanced of course by risks to consider. Yet as is often the case with new and exciting technologies, the expectation of what it enables people to do far exceeds its ability to deliver in the time people expect (or wish).
Now there’s something else to consider – BYOA.
It’s no longer about the device, says the Telegraph – now it’s about the apps that the employee uses. It’s been dubbed BYOA or “bring your own apps.”
The Telegraph reports on a recent Citrix survey that says that in the UK, more than 90 per cent of organizations are seeing employees downloading their own apps for business use. There are worries, though:
[…] almost two-thirds of these companies [are] concerned about unmanaged app usage in the workplace and the effects it has on the privacy of that organisation’s data.
[…] Innovation is coming from customers and employees as they demand apps that work better for them than the prescribed software and processes offered by businesses historically. Already it seems clear that Cloud-based apps, while creating a clash of cultures in many organisations, are the future.
The Telegraph’s report goes into detail on possible ways this evolutionary next step might play out, with opinions from a number of experts in the field.
What seems clear is that enabling people to use an app they choose, on the device they choose, makes good sense if you get the calculation right of benefit vs risk.
What you can’t do is ignore a powerful trend.
I wonder if or where BYOA will appear on Gartner’s hype cycle next year. Maybe BYOA is one of those things that requires connection with another technology to trigger its tipping point. That ‘other’ clearly looks like BYOD.
25 responses to “Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD”
RT @jangles: Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD: A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – B… http:/ …
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/mA0vdG82
[…] Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and wan… […]
RT @jangles: Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD: A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – B… http:/ …
@CrowdsMakeCents Your mom’s being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – B… http://t.co/qkLex0W9
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/KtWWQZ6a
Hobson: Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD: A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own dev… http://t.co/ClNQy79g
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/K03msfER
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/Sb1DP1ay via @jangles
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/qZnV5MiZ (via @jangles @nancyrubin)
Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/FVhl1xui via @jangles .. My BYOD brought Evernote, Dropbox etc into the workplace….
RT @nancyrubin: Now it’s BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/Sb1DP1ay via @jangles
“It’s no longer about the device.” BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/yvSVq2k4
Employees don’t just bring their own devices, they bring they own apps, blogs @jangles #byod http://t.co/Xe1WqG0t
Now ‘Bring Your Own Apps’ follows ‘Bring Your Own Device’ http://t.co/wWH1yZDl by @jangles
“It’s no longer about the device.” BYOA to follow BYOD http://t.co/wYGYBZJT
RT @kevupnorth: Employees don’t just bring their own devices, they bring they own apps, blogs @jangles #byod http://t.co/Xe1WqG0t
RT @dianarailton: Now ‘Bring Your Own Apps’ follows ‘Bring Your Own Device’ http://t.co/wWH1yZDl by @jangles
Now it’s BYOA (Bring Your Own Apps) to follow BYOD http://t.co/RxZGPWtV via @jangles #consumerisation
[…] A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to… It’s no longer about the device, says the Telegraph – now it’s about the apps that the employee uses. It’s been dubbed BYOA or “bring your own apps.” Read more, a MUST: http://nevillehobson.com/2012/10/14/now-its-byoa-to-follow-byod/ […]
[…] A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to… It’s no longer about the device, says the Telegraph – now it’s about the apps that the employee uses. It’s been dubbed BYOA or “bring your own apps.” Read more, a MUST: http://nevillehobson.com/2012/10/14/now-its-byoa-to-follow-byod/ […]
[…] A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to… It’s no longer about the device, says the Telegraph – now it’s about the apps that the employee uses. It’s been dubbed BYOA or “bring your own apps.” Read more, a MUST: http://nevillehobson.com/2012/10/14/now-its-byoa-to-follow-byod/ […]
[…] A topic in business I hear being talked about a lot is “bring your own device” – BYOD for short – that illustrates some of the profound changes taking place in the workplace in how people use (and want to… It’s no longer about the device, says the Telegraph – now it’s about the apps that the employee uses. It’s been dubbed BYOA or “bring your own apps.” Read more, a MUST: http://nevillehobson.com/2012/10/14/now-its-byoa-to-follow-byod/ […]
My prediction for the evolution of enterprise mobility:
BYOD to BYOA to CYOA (create-your-own-app)
Consider a technology like Capriza (capriza.com) that allows non-technical folks to create a secure, lightweight mobile app for business solutions for free. Employees are taking their jobs and their productivity into their own hands, so it’s just a matter of time before they find a tool that allows them to make their own apps.
[…] I wrote about this recently, it was in the context of looking at another acronym that’s beginning to surface – BYOA […]