“We all have influence somewhere” is the tag line of Kred, a social influence measurement service created by PeopleBrowsr, a San Francisco-based social media analytics company, to identify influential people in interest-based communities.
It’s a credible descriptor to apply to a service that, on the one hand, provides individuals with metrics to show the measurable reach of the specific things they talk about across the social web, and who they connect with in those conversations; and on the other hand, offers companies access to valuable data Kred gathers from all those connected conversations online that enable companies to get a clear sense of who they ought to pay attention to, among other things.
Kred offers depth beyond a simple ranking score, a topic you can hear London-based CEO Andrew Grill expand on in an FIR Live panel discussion last summer.
And the tag line has a nice democratic-sounding ring to it.
All of this was in front of my mind in London last week when I attended Kred’s London Influence Summit on March 27 at which I estimate well over 200 people participated. The visibility of “We all have influence somewhere.”
While the event gave everyone an opportunity to socialise and chat in the smart May Fair Hotel private event suite that includes a private cinema, there was a serious side to the event in the form of a presentation in that cinema. A sort of ‘message from the sponsor.’
That message – confidently delivered by Andrew Grill (pictured above) – was a mix of personal story and corporate roadmap outline, all combining to imbue a strong sense of credibility, authenticity and plain and simple belief in what we heard.
Andrew shared some outline thinking about Kred’s business strategy for the coming year or so, with some specific information about a new service the company is now offering: Kred for Brands, that “optimizes the Kred platform,” Andrew says, and provides businesses with credible and compelling data about a brand’s competitors, fans and followers. (Read more about Kred for Brands and see the explanatory video.)
I was intrigued by some of the ideas that emerged during the Q&A discussion in the presentation, especially on possibilities with some of the other ideas Andrew talked about, such as how you might identify and measure influencers in specific areas of knowledge within organizations on those organizations’ own private networks.
Think of how internal communication ‘traffic’ via social-sharing tools like Yammer and Chatter enable knowledge sharing, employee collaboration and other activity that, like public Twitter data, can be measured and valuable insight and meaning extracted.
You can watch Andrew’s presentation and the Q&A in this video:
Kred London Influencer Summit from Andrew Grill on Vimeo.
The audio’s not best quality but it’s worthwhile listening if you persevere.
Hearing about plans and ideas from Andrew Grill, and from what participants talked about, makes me think that Kred has the ability to take the concept of social influence (and influencer) measurement to a new level, one that could well give them genuine leverage in a market that looks poised to take off, and is attracting more entrants.
And while individuals may still have doubts and lack of clear understanding about what ‘social influence measurement’ is about from their perspectives, businesses will have no doubt as to the value they can derive from it.
If Kred can keep it all ‘social’ – and help their client companies see the advantages of social-business behaviours and not treat everything as the impersonal marketing that’s still unfortunately the norm to many companies – we could well see needles move and that new level reached.
- See also: What I learnt at KredLDN by Rachel Miller, a terrific write-up. And check the Eventifier curation of hundreds of photos, some videos and all the tweets hashtagged #KredLDN from the event.
Related posts:
- The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #697: April 1, 2013 includes discussion about the Kred Influencer Summit
- FIR Speakers and Speeches: Andrew Grill on “Likes” to Social Influence at #SMWB2B
- An easier view on influence analysis with Kred Story
38 responses to “Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level”
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: “We all have influence somewhere” is the tag line of… http://t.co/HT8NRGk7P7
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level http://t.co/InpQ5k3yp9
RT @jangles: Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level http://t.co/InpQ5k3yp9
Hobson: Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: “We all have influence somewhere” is the tag … http://t.co/n0l4JO8kSd
good summary of the @kred London influencer summit last week by @jangles http://t.co/MQRaoTTaKl #kredldn
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level http://t.co/lEMttzJIBF
Neville, great summary and thanks for coming to the event.
We have received a great deal of positive feedback about Kred for Brands and KredNet from those that attended the summit as well.
Appreciate your support of what we are doing with Kred.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Grill
CEO, Kred
Andrew, I enjoyed the event, thanks. You know how to put on a great party :)
I’ve seen good comments everywhere, too, so you’re riding on a swell of goodwill.
Plan now is to turn all that goodwill into action – lots of ‘noise’ out there in the influencer market.
Neville, thanks for mentioning us in the post. Pleasure being a part of #KredLDN
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: http://t.co/k0CgtfoV8B via @jangles
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: http://t.co/siG8LYvtCr via @jangles
RT @jangles: Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: “We all have influence somewhere” is the tag line of… http://t.c …
“Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level” by @jangles http://t.co/IJnD4p2biP #KredLDN #TAGtribe
[…] “We all have influence somewhere” is the tag line of Kred, a social influence measurement service created by PeopleBrowsr, a San Francisco-based social media analytics company, to identify influential people in interest-based communities. […]
Solid blog & video from @jangles on last weeks #KredLdn event ~ where @AndrewGrill revealed some new @kred goodies! http://t.co/KMkdhUbeeR
RT @RichardNAtDell: Solid blog & video from @jangles on last weeks #KredLdn event ~ where @AndrewGrill revealed some new @kred goodi …
Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/tQ3O1Q2h3W via @jangles [Hm interesting!]
I thought being influential meant actual things or actions people take as a result? #oldschoo @MariSmith @jangles
RT @MariSmith: Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/wkFbchEISR via @jangles [Hm interesting!]
Ahora @kred, busca identificar las #marcas con mayor #influencia
#marketing #branding #mexico #latinoamérica
RT @MariSmith: Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/tQ3O1Q2h3W via @jangles [Hm interesting!]
Thanks @MariSmith for sharing the Kred love http://t.co/4zFGeesI7O
RT @MariSmith: Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/tQ3O1Q2h3W via @jangles [Hm interesting!]
Neville, thanks for the blog and video. Kred seems like it will be really helpful on the strategy side of things. I always find measuring important to keep me focused on my marketing goals. It’s so easy to get lost in all of the different networks and trends of social media, so having another way to help prioritize things definitely won’t hurt. Thanks again for sharing!
RT @MariSmith: Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/tQ3O1Q2h3W via @jangles [Hm interesting!]
Kred Wants to Take Influence Measurement To A New Level http://t.co/FwteRYkFaw via @jangles @MariSmith
@cocopalms61 I just gave you “kred!” Here’s what Kred is Kim… http://t.co/V97lpHZY9p
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level: http://t.co/VuDTeXOtEC via @jangles
Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level
RT @valerialandivar: Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level
#Kred or #Klout? http://t.co/1hksJRMfO2
“We all have influence somewhere” Watch the video to find out more about Kred, a social influence measurement… http://t.co/G7Y083g7fz
[…] "We all have influence somewhere" is the tag line of Kred, a social influence measurement service created by PeopleBrowsr, a San Francisco-based social media analytics company, to identify influent… […]
[…] Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level “Vi har alle innflytelse et sted” er slagordet til Kred, en tjeneste for måling av […]
[…] Read the full article here: http://nevillehobson.com/2013/04/01/kred-wants-to-take-influence-measurement-to-a-new-level/ […]
[…] Kred wants to take influence measurement to a new level […]