Twitter for Business

If you’re new to considering Twitter as a communication tool for business purposes – or even if you’re pretty experienced with it – it will be worthwhile taking a look at the re-launched Twitter for Business website.

The content in and focus of this update – with a new look and structure – is very much on business-to-business with advertising at the forefront.

There’s far more to Twitter as a B2B tool than advertising, though, and the website delivers on that with rich content such as community building tips, tools for web marketing, and actually getting started. And there’s more:

[…] If your business is new to Twitter, we’ve got a 101 section to help put your best Tweets forward. For the more savvy Twitter user, we have more advanced marketing tips that you’ll find useful too. Here are some ideas on how to promote your presence, and our favorite part, tons of #success stories.

Twitter has also produced a terrific video that gives you a great overview of how you can use Twitter as a useful business tool. If you do nothing else, watch the video – it’s well worth two minutes of your time and it may give you some great ideas.

(If you don’t see the video embedded above, watch it at YouTube.)

Twitter for Business – practical tips and tricks that you can use right now. Join the conversation.

(Via Kate Russell)

24 responses to “Tips and tricks that make Twitter useful to your business”

  1. […] If you're new to considering Twitter as a communication tool for business purposes – or even if you're pretty experienced with it – it will be worthwhile taking a look at the re-launched Twitter fo…  […]

  2. enigmaticstar avatar

    Valuable insight and links about using Twitter for business! Thanks for sharing. I have bookmarked your site and will be visiting again for more useful tips. Thanks!