Social Media Week London starts next week, on Monday September 23.

Hosted by Chinwag, the week-long event – part of the global SMW event taking place in eight cities around the world – features 245 individual events spread across London, all reflecting the broad global theme “Everything Is Connected.”

One of those events is Simply SMILE taking place on September 23, and is the lead event for Social Media Week London.

Now in its third year, SMILE – Social Media in Large Enterprises – is the largest one-day event in Europe dedicated to exploring how large companies and organizations are using social media tools behind the firewall. The typical audience comprises internal communication managers and directors from a range of large organisations.

I’m taking part in SMILE this year, thanks to an invitation from my friends at Simply Communicate, the SMILE organizers. There will be twelve of us as session moderators for discussion and conversation on specific topics during a rapid half-hour simultaneous session broadly entitled “Your network is your net worth.”

The twelve session moderators are Matt O’Neill, Benjamin Ellis, Rachel Miller, Luke Mepham, Ezri Carlebach, Wedge Black, Kevin Ruck, Chris Elmitt, Sobia Aslam, Dana Leeson, Sean Trainor and me, Neville Hobson.

Each of has a particular topic talking to that theme and to guide discussion. I’ve chosen leadership communication with this focus:

Leadership Communication – how to get your senior teams using social media effectively with their followers but in a way that suits them. How to blog and what to do with those that prefer other ways of engaging with staff.

A simple outline for a topic with huge potential for some great discussion. In just 30 minutes!

If you plan on joining my session, come with questions, opinions and stories. Here is some pre-event reading that you might find useful in a few blog posts I wrote a few months ago:

  • GE’s six dimensions of leadership: A drum that many communicators bang a lot – I do it, too – is the one that tries to get your attention on the view that an essential role of leadership in organizations is that of communication. I’m not talking about the kind of stuff that many CEOs will do: the employee email, the […]
  • A trustworthy method for the new thought leadership model: The humour in this Dilbert cartoon – the boss talking about blogging his thoughts about his business when in reality it will be his employee doing the thinking and the writing – is a simple but good reminder that expressing opinion online is a lot about authenticity. You may have someone suggesting topics to you […]
  • Leadership is about conversations: I came upon a blog post this weekend that addressed its subject matter in a way that I found breath-taking both in its simplicity and in its clarity. 5 Qualities that Make a Good Leader in the Social Media Age by Brian Verhoeven looks at leadership innovation as discussed in the book Humanize published last […]

The overall event will be terrific, with a great agenda and some compelling speakers. Tickets are going fast so sign up today, either on the SMILE ticket page or via SMW London (where the price is pretty good).

Hope to see you there on September 23!

#smwSMILE | #SMILEnet

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