As we get exposed to more and more information online, two elements assume great importance – filtering in the things we want to see; and verifying those things so we trust our filtered-in information along with the purveyors of it.
The former is easier done than the latter: there are apps, algorithms and all manner of technical tools to help you filter in what you want and, thus, filter out what you don’t.
Trust is a very tricky thing. Subjective, emotive and based largely on the things people say to one another, no one has yet come up with a method of automating trust that is convincing, reliable and, well, trusted.
Could PundiFact and the Truth-O-Meter be an answer? According to the US newspaper the Tampa Bay Times, yes, it could.
[…] The new site will have a dedicated staff of journalists who will research claims by media figures and rate them using PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter. The fact-checks will be published on and will often be featured on the main PolitiFact site.
[…] “Pundits on TV and radio, as well as bloggers and columnists, are prominent voices in our political discourse, yet sometimes they blur the lines between opinion and fact,” said Neil Brown, editor and vice president of the Times. “Now we will hold them accountable, much as we’ve done with politicians.”
PolitiFact does have a track record of rating American politicians and what they say, presenting ratings in a way that you can, at a glance, see how particular public voices stack up on a truth scale. At least, according to PolitiFact.
Craigslist founder Craig Newmark is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times story with a resonating appeal:
I just want news I can trust, and PunditFact is a real contribution in the direction of trustworthiness and accountability.
The bold’s my emphasis.
Maybe that’s the way to see this idea as one that’s “in the direction of trustworthiness and accountability.” That sounds realistic.
I’d love to see a PunditFact for the UK!
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10 responses to “Filters and trust”
Filters and trust
Filters and trust
Hobson: Filters and trust: As we get exposed to more and more information online, two elements assume great im…
RT @jangles: Filters and trust: As we get exposed to more and more information online, two elements assume great importance – … http://t.…
RT @jangles: Filters and trust: As we get exposed to more and more information online, two elements assume great importance – … http://t.…
RT @jangles: Filters and trust: As we get exposed to more and more information online, two elements assume great importance – … http://t.…
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Filters and trust: via @jangles
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