Month: November 2013

  • FIR Interview: Adam Parker, RealWire, on the roles of listening and influence

    In today’s professional development landscape, a major educational imperative for PR practitioners, marketers and others involved in online engagement is knowing how to find influential voices across the social web: what to look for, where to focus your attention, what…

  • Get used to “Ok Google”

    Get used to “Ok Google”

    Earlier this year, Google announced a new feature for search – conduct a search with your voice in the Chrome browser. To conduct a conversational search, you’d fire up Google Search; if you saw a little microphone symbol in the…

  • FIR Interview: Andrew Grill, IBM, on Social Business

    FIR Interview: Andrew Grill, IBM, on Social Business

    The idea of an organization being a “social business” is one that’s been talked about for the past few years, and acted upon by many businesses, especially large enterprises. While social business has quickly captured imaginations with many people, the…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #731: November 25, 2013

    Intro: FIR Listener Survey update; FIR Interview with Andrew Grill coming November 25, with Sharam Fouladgar early December; newest addition to the FIR Podcast Network this week: Episode 1 of “AllthingsIC with Rachel Miller”; FIR Contest: win a copy of…

  • Re-imagining the retail banking experience

    Retail banking in the UK is set for a radical change in how customers use branches, and what their experiences are like, over the next five years. The Telegraph reports that some major banks are thinking about introducing “express” branches,…