Year: 2020
FIR 202: We Regret any Inconvenience
Of all the topics Shel and I discussed in the December episode of The Hobson & Holtz Report aka FIR 202, published last week, two in particular stand out for me. The first addresses the way in which organisations make…
SDF42: 2020 Caught in the Gaslights
Last week, we published the 42nd episode of the Small Data Forum podcast. As this is December, this is our Christmas Special that, in previous years, we have recorded live from the Olivelli restaurant in south London where Sam, Thomas…
SDF 40: We’re not in Kansas anymore
Thomas, Sam and I recorded episode 40 of our Small Data Forum podcast last week with strong and trenchant opinions on the forthcoming US presidential election. It’s a topic we have discussed in many episodes this year, principally considering the…
FIR 200: Tune out for better wellbeing
In the October edition of the ‘Hobson and Holtz Report,’ episode 200 in the FIR podcast series, Shel and I covered a lot of ground in our one-hour discussion that it’s hard to pick a stand-out: all are highly topical…
FIR 198: Is #WFH the post-pandemic future?
What coronavirus will do to our offices and homes post-pandemic is a question that prompts multiple answers on a daily basis. If there are ten questions, you’ll find ten different answers. About the only thing that’s consistently equal in opinion…