Month: April 2020
FIR Zoom Chat 5: How We’ll Get Back to Work
The fifth weekly Zoom Chat featuring listeners and FIR co-hosts Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz. Our primary discussion continues to focus on coronavirus and lockdowns, and how communicators, businesses, and whole industries – automotive and airlines to name but two…
FIR 194: The Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020
The April episode of “The Hobson & Holtz Report” continues the coronavirus theme from March with conversations about… Our experience being Zoombombed The role of social media during Covid-19 How toilet paper companies are responding to online criticism over shortages…
FIR Zoom Chat 4: Zoom burnout
With so many people using video conferencing tools – especially Zoom – in their new-normal working from home lockdown environment, there’s a rise in anxiety and stress when it comes to using a tool like this as your primary method…
Zoom burnout is real
“Zoom gives me crazy anxiety and the same social pressure I would feel being invited to a party,” says Dani, a marketing manager based in Cleveland, who requested that only her first name be used to protect her workplace privacy.…
Living in Lockdown
On March 23, 2020, the UK went into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic and the consequent emergence of the COVID-19 infection. Since then, it’s been a time of staying home for large numbers of the population, regaled daily by…