brandyouworld-speaking Every once in a while, a professional development event comes around that you simply must be part of.

When it also gives you a genuine opportunity for personal development, it becomes a compelling must-do event.

That’s how I feel about my participation as a speaker in A Brand You World 2007 Global Telesummit on personal branding which takes place on Thursday November 8.

During the day, a total of 24 teleseminars including mine will take place worldwide, delivered by some very smart people including Jason Alba, William Arruda, Richard Nelson Bolles, Anita Bruzzese, Silvia Cambié, Krishna De, Kirsten Dixson, Stewart Emery, Phil Gerbyshak, T Scott Gross, Thebe Ikalafeng, John Jantsch, Catherine Kaputa, Guy Kawasaki, Andrea Kay, Liz Ryan, David Meerman Scott, Andy Sernovitz, Debbie Weil, Susan Whitcomb, Carol Wilson, and Martin Yate.

I’m awed by some of the new company I’ll be keeping on November 8! See Jason Alba’s post for concise descriptions of each speaker. And each speaker is donating his and her time on this day.

‘A Brand You World’ will be the biggest global event of its kind ever on the subject of personal branding. The goal of the organizers is to reach 100,000 people.

This event is being held because everyone involved – the organizers, speakers, partners, and sponsors – believe in the power of personal branding for professional and personal success.

So what will you experience by participating in any of the teleseminars?

Generally, this event is relevant to anyone looking to advance their career, as well as entrepreneurs and heads of HR and talent inside organizations.

More specifically, you can pick a topic that you find relevant to your situation and gain some tips and insights that you can apply.

Descriptions of each teleseminar are being posted to the event website so you can choose which one(s) interest you.

Mine’s not there yet; I should have the content and structure nailed down during the coming week. And I’ll post that here on this blog as well.

What I do know right now is my time slot – 8pm UK / 9pm CET / 3pm US Eastern / midday US Pacific.

To participate, all you have to do is register online. Remember, it’s free; to take part, all you pay for is the cost of a phone call (very low cost if you call via Skype) to a number facilitated by platinum sponsor Conference Calls Unlimited.

If you register and then find you can’t participate on the day, don’t worry – the organizers will be making available recordings of the sessions after the event.

So mark your diary – Thursday November 8.

Hope to hear you there!

13 responses to “Speaking at A Brand You World on personal branding”

  1. Jason Alba avatar

    Excellent – I’m excited to get to know you better and learn from you Neville!

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks, Jason. Likewise!

  3. Deb Dib avatar

    Hi Neville!

    As one of the Brand You World Global Telesummit event organizers and a career stream panelist, I’d like to thank you for you post and echo your sentiments. This is an unprecedented event with amazing world-class speakers, and we’re honored that you’ve gifted your time and thought leadership to be a part of it. I’m excited to hear your presentation!

    Deb Dib, the CEO Coach
    “Unabashedly passionate about helping visionary, gusty, fun leaders with a conscience build great careers, mold great companies, and even change the world a bit!”

  4. neville avatar

    Thank you, Deb. I hope to be able to participate myself in some of the other seminars. So many opportunities for learning!

  5. Krishna De avatar

    Neville – delighted you will be taking part in the event and thank you for sharing tis with your community.

  6. Dan Schawbel avatar

    Glad your apart of this Neville

  7. neville avatar

    Thanks, Krishna and Dan. Very much looking forward to it.

  8. Anita Bruzzese avatar

    This is such a win-win for everyone, as we’ll all be learning together…speakers as well as those who are listening. Information is power, and we’ll be spreading that power worldwide — what a terrific thing.
    Anita Bruzzese

  9. neville avatar

    Terrific indeed, Anita.

  10. Sue Brettell avatar

    Hi Neville

    I thought I’d introduce myself as a fellow Brit. I’m an online identity designer and also part of the organising team for the event.

    I’m hoping this event will really boost interest in personal branding in the UK. I’m just working on spreading the word, and wondered who you’ve promoted the event to outside your subscribers list.
    Sue :)

  11. neville avatar

    Hi Sue, good to meet you.

    How have I promoted the event? Word of mouth – this blog post, seen by visitors and received by RSS subscribers. Other WOM, eg, Twitter and Jaiku. More of that in the coming week.

    Just finalizing session description for the branding website. Will also post that here during the weekend.

  12. Zane avatar

    I’m looking forward to hearing your presentation. Thanks for the mention!