I’ve written a few posts this morning and, before publishing any of them, I manually changed the time in WordPress to reflect the fact that the clocks went back overnight marking the official end of summertime throughout Europe and many other countries as we reverted to winter or standard time.
Did you remember to reset the time on your blog platform today, before posting anything to your blog? If you didn’t, your posts will be out by an hour.
If you use WordPress, it’s easy to do:
1. Log in to your WordPress blog and choose ‘Options’ from the main menu.
2. You should now be on the ‘General Options’ page (if not, click ‘General’ on the sub menu).
3. Scroll down the page until you see the ‘Date and Time’ section like this:
4. In the second line ‘Times in the weblog should differ by,’ enter a number in the box that corresponds to your time zone in relation to UTC.
For instance, if you’re in the UK like me, you’d enter ‘0’ (zero) in that box. If you’re in the Central European time zone (The Netherlands, Switzerland or Germany, for instance), you’d enter ‘1.’ If you’re in a time zone that’s behind GMT (the USA, for instance), you’d enter your number with a minus symbol, eg, ‘-6.’
This doesn’t apply yet to anyone in the USA as you don’t turn back the clocks for another week.
Incidentally, it doesn’t matter much if you’re not sure what UTC means. For all intents and purposes, regard it as the same as GMT.
It would be nice if WordPress automatically changed the time, as I whinged about before. No doubt some clear tech reasons why not.
And btw, the above all relates to WP version 2.2.3 which my blog is running on (not upgraded yet to the latest 2.3.1 released on Friday). The specific way to do this may differ on later WP versions.
Related post:
4 responses to “Reset your blog time when the clocks go back”
Couldn’t you change your date format to the European DMY instead of the American MDY while you were at it? ;-)
Date formats here aren’t consistent, Armin. Just look at any newspaper, for instance.
We write the long date format in two ways: either ‘November 1, 2007’ or ‘1 November 2007.’ Everyone understands either one.
So I don’t see a compulsion to change :)
Try it with short formats, though. ’11/1/07′ means Jan 11, 2007, right? Across the Atlantic, it’s Nov 1, 2007.
Guess why I almost never use short formats.
Apart from ISO 8601 format in some cases, including the file names for my blog posts.
Reset your blog time when the clocks go back — NevilleHobson.com http://tinyurl.com/yf4shro