
The moment will soon be here to log off, disconnect, turn off equipment and focus on family and friends as we prepare to celebrate Christmas day tomorrow.

Other than fulfilling work obligations during today, plus try and complete a bit of last-minute shopping, the only thing left that I have to do is to record FIR #304 with Shel this evening.

We’ll have that show up tonight so you’ll have something to listen to over Christmas :)

Wherever you are in the world, I wish every one of you an enjoyable, safe, peaceful and very Merry Christmas.

Conversations on Twitter and Jaiku will continue, but back here later this week.

[Image credit: Thier.]

2 responses to “Christmas wishes to you”

  1. Ellee avatar

    Merry Christmas wishes to you too Neville.

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks Ellee. Enjoy your special day tomorrow!