Three useful resources about leadership communication:
- The December 2007 edition of the IABC Cafe2Go podcast includes an interview I did with Jay Coleman, chair of IABC’s Excellence in Communication (EXCEL) Award. Topics discussed include a leader’s communication role, some of the biggest challenges in leadership communication, the impact employee blogging can have on a CEO’s communication to internal and external stakeholders, and factors a communication professional should consider when advising the CEO whether or not to start a blog.
- Communications Is One of the Keys to Leadership writes Eric Eggertson in a post in which he says great leaders must not only hold strong beliefs and exercise willpower, but must also communicate with their allies, their opponents and the public.
- In episode #67 of the Trafcom News podcast, Donna Papacosta discusses some examples of CEO podcasting for communicating with employees that she’s done with a few of her clients.
Great content all.
One response to “Communicating for leadership”
Thanks for the link to the Trafcom News Podcast, Neville. I will be sure to check out the other resources you’ve mentioned.
And happy FIR anniversary! You and Shel do an amazing job.