Three useful resources about leadership communication:

  1. The December 2007 edition of the IABC Cafe2Go podcast includes an interview I did with Jay Coleman, chair of IABC’s Excellence in Communication (EXCEL) Award. Topics discussed include a leader’s communication role, some of the biggest challenges in leadership communication, the impact employee blogging can have on a CEO’s communication to internal and external stakeholders, and factors a communication professional should consider when advising the CEO whether or not to start a blog.
  2. Communications Is One of the Keys to Leadership writes Eric Eggertson in a post in which he says great leaders must not only hold strong beliefs and exercise willpower, but must also communicate with their allies, their opponents and the public.
  3. In episode #67 of the Trafcom News podcast, Donna Papacosta discusses some examples of CEO podcasting for communicating with employees that she’s done with a few of her clients.

Great content all.

One response to “Communicating for leadership”

  1. Donna Papacosta avatar

    Thanks for the link to the Trafcom News Podcast, Neville. I will be sure to check out the other resources you’ve mentioned.

    And happy FIR anniversary! You and Shel do an amazing job.