One web definition of “public relations” is “A promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.”
Clearly that’s what DS Simon Productions in New York City is trying to do in its announcement of being granted a trademark in the US for the term “PRketing.”
From their email I received the other day:
US Patent Office Grants D S Simon PRketing® Trademark
A New Discipline at the Crossroads of PR and MarketingD S Simon Productions has received trademark approval for PRketing® from the US Patent and Trademark office. “PRketing® is a new approach to brand building that relies upon content creation and distribution to achieve business and marketing goals,” said CEO and President, Doug Simon.
As the name suggests, the content has to be good enough that journalists (and individuals in our opt-in culture) will air, post, watch and share the content across all media platforms. That’s the PR part. At the same time, you need to be achieving goals of the organization with your initiative and communication efforts. That’s the marketing part.
[…] The power of PR has long been the ability to attain third-party endorsement from credible sources by creating content that appeals to their viewers and audience. The fragmentation of traditional media and expansion of consumer’s content consumption habits to include social media, blogs, online video, word of mouth and traditional media outlets and their companion web sites creates a challenge for marketers and an enormous opportunity for the PR function. PRketing® makes the PR function the driver of the integrated marketing/communications team and increases the power of PR to the C-Suite.
PR Week US edition has more (you need to log in through a subscriber paywall).
PRketing? Sorry, “PRketing®”?
This is one of the ugliest words anyone’s associated with two distinct business functions. I’m unsure even how to pronounce it. “Parketing” perhaps? Surely better than “PR-keting.”
Reactions from some in my Twitter community were a bit less than glowingly positive when I tweeted the news.
“Ugh. NO!” said Will McInnes. “PRketing – Oh good grief, put me out of my misery now :(” said Gabrielle Laine-Peters. “Is that a joke?” asked Ben Roome. “Patent approval?!” Ben Ayers’ simple comment was “no.”
And to my later comment that’s it’s a PR stunt, Ben Roome coined the smart contraction “a PRunt.” At least that’s easier to pronounce.
While DS Simon’s proposed ‘fusion’ of PR and marketing in its views of brand building may have some merit – although I suspect subject-authorities like Olivier Blanchard will have some trenchant opinion – I wonder if such an ugly label will catch on in the broad sense. Good luck and congrats to DS Simon if it does. I just can’t see it, not even in America. Can you?
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10 responses to “The PRketing PRunt”
I know Doug, and he’s a smart, nice guy. But this is a silly idea. It also shows just how broken the U.S. patent system has become.
The PRketing PRunt
The PRketing PRunt
Hobson: The PRketing PRunt: One web definition of “public relations” is “A promotion intended to create goodwill…
The PRketing PRunt
[…] The PRketing PRunt One web definition of “public relations” is “A promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution.” Clearly that’s what DS Simon Productions in New York City is trying to do in its anno… […]
Thanks 4 sharing!!
The PRketing PRunt
RT @matthewgain: The PRketing PRunt
Ok, no doubt this is idea should never have left the paper it was jotted on.
Still, there is in fact a divide between PR and Marketing and a struggle to see who gets the best part of the budget. I sketched out a chart showing how both concepts relate to Communication and it sparked a few interesting comments:
Ever since I joined a marketing agency I have done more PR than ever for the brands I work with. As a result, I wonder if we shouldn’t drop the divide and just let everything fall under “Communication and Relationship Management” while PR and Marketing are left as mere ways to distinguish between tactics at our disposal.