- “The Pit Bull Of Public Relations”
- Blog break time [Scobleizer]
- Boot Camp users reporting serious crashes
- Call for Sponsors! [2006 People’s Choice Podcast Awards]
- Disney to make TV shows available free on Web
- Half Of Corporate PCs Can’t Run Vista, Researcher Says
- Microsoft Announces Quarterly Earnings Release Date
- Napster’s Bleak Future (NAPS)
- Newspapers sign on to syndicated blog service
- Nominees Picked for New Emmy for PC and Hand-Held Shows
- Podcasters should be thrilled one percent of NorthAm households listen
- PodcastUser Magazine: Issue Three
- Structured Blogging Roadmap
- The .EU landrush fiasco. … (bobparsons.com)
- The CorporateBloggingBlog takes a break
- The spanish Digg
- Vodafone makes a U-turn on strategy
- Why the Swedes can’t resist the Wallenberg dynasty
(Via RSS feeds)