One of the more interesting entrants to the Twitter community is DowningStreet, the moniker of a person or persons unknown in the digital communications team at 10 Downing Street.
Daily tweets inform the worldwide Twitter community of events, Prime Minister’s speeches, official announcements, what’s happening, etc.
Of most interest is the fact that this is not simply a one-way channel with the twitterer just blasting out tweets like press releases.
It’s very much a two-way channel with DowningStreet firmly participating in the concise conversations that are characteristic of people who tweet.
Now something even more interesting, noted in a statement on the 10 Downing Street website yesterday about Gordon Brown’s official visit to the USA next week:
[…] The Downing Street website will run a live microsite including images, rolling updates and a Twitter feed throughout the PM’s stay from 16 – 19 April. Log on from Wednesday to follow the PM’s activities.
I wonder what we’ll see on Twitter. And how DowningStreet will engage in conversation.
I’ll be paying attention.
3 responses to “Twittering Gordon Brown’s US visit”
My Twitter addiction has taught me a lot of things. But I never expected to become a fan of UK news.
Interesting story. Thanks
I’ve done a short write-up on the plans for the US Visit microsite over at Basically one of the No10 web team is joining the tour party (a first in itself); he’ll be posting content to Twitter, Flickr and a tour blog.
Thanks, Simon. Very interesting indeed, following developments.