Starwood Hotels & Resorts is the first major hotel company to make the leap into the blogosphere, says the Wall Street Journal, with a blog called But its initial approach to the genre has as much in common with advertising as it does with the wide-open world of blogging.
The Journal’s view is just a starting point. There is so much not right with this blog that it’s hard to pick somewhere to begin.
It looks nice and clearly a lot of thought has gone into its construction. It uses Movable Type and offers RSS feeds. So from a platform point of view, it is a blog.
But that’s about as far as it gets. From almost every other point of view, it misses the mark by a wide margin. This is really a marketing brochuresite dressed up as something else.
The most glaring negative is the way in which visitors are invited to participate in the site, ie, to comment. The only way you can is via a “contact the editors” link in the sidebar which gives you a popup that thanks you for your feedback, says that due to the volume of emails that the site receives each day it may not be possible to personally respond to your email, mentions terms and conditions and gives you a choice of three generic email addresses to write to.
Such hurdles to engagement hardly inspire warming friendliness let alone an encouragement to comment and create a visible and open dialog. What I found especially interesting is that I could not find a single comment to any post going back to the first one on 21 February. Maybe no one has tried to jump the hurdles, or perhaps Starwood didn’t like any of the comments. Who knows.
Starwood’s view quoted in the Journal:
[…] Starwood says it is planning to make it more interactive but wasn’t specific about plans. It may allow limited reader input, but only in the form of comments that have been reviewed by the company. It also may offer moderated chat rooms and Q&A sessions with hotel designers and other industry figures.
But Starwood’s effort will never be a free-form Internet site, says Robin Korman, Vice President of Loyalty Marketing for Starwood. “We don’t make a secret of the fact that it’s a corporate-sponsored blog,” she says.
Well, there’s nothing wrong at all with a corporate-sponsored blog. I don’t know what a “free-form internet site” is, though. And “limited reader input”? If what you really want to do is have a place on the web as a carefully-controlled information channel – and this blog certainly looks like one of those – that’s fine. Chat rooms, Q&A, all fine. While I might argue that such an approach isn’t the most effective one from a two-way communication point of view, it’s still fine if you want to go ahead anyway with such a place. Plenty of companies do.
So let’s look at the purpose of as stated in its About text:
To help keep Starwood Preferred Guests on top of the latest travel trends, Starwood and ElectricArtists have assembled a team of travel writers to contribute to this site. Every weekday this site will be covering the latest and greatest in worldwide travel.
ElectricArtists is the marketing services company who produced the site. Looking through their website and reading about some of the social media projects they have been involved with (eg, podcasts for Fortune magazine), they seem to understand a little of the ‘social’ in social media.
That understanding clearly hasn’t made its way into this project for Starwood if they call it a blog.
And that’s a pity. This blog could be a great opportunity for Starwood to really engage with its most important (and influential) customer segment, those “preferred guests.”
Starwood could take a tip from The Red Room Chronicles, a fan blog about Marriott Hotels (not an official Marriott blog) written since last July by Rob Safuto of PodcastNYC, which illustrates how a blog focused on hotels approaches engagement where the blogger is someone with a passion about his topics.
And unlike any of the writing at, the posts at The Red Room Chronicles exude that passion and a genuine feeling for what the blogger is writing about. Imagine that kind of focus in an official blog aimed at the members of a hotel company’s loyalty programme.
If I were Starwood, I’d ditch in its current form and revert to their traditional one-way marketing channels. If what they want to do is just tell loyalty programme members about travel trends (as per the About text), even email would do.
Or, if engagement is their goal, then do it whole heartedly. Make into a real blog. Invite some of those preferred guests to be bloggers on the site. Let them write what they feel and think, the good and the bad, about their experiences as Starwood guests, about “the latest and greatest in worldwide travel” (from their distinct viewpoints) and as loyalty programme members.
Let those bloggers become the voices of authority to other loyalty programme members “to help keep Starwood Preferred Guests on top of the latest travel trends.” Open up commenting. It can be moderated, but open it up. Take a look at GM’s FastLane Blog to see what can happen when you do that.
Go on, Starwood. Take a risk. I bet you’ll find it will be worth it.
9 responses to “Starwood blog misses the point”
Neville tackles this topic with absolute clarity and acuracy….nice job. Starwood’s “The Lobby” is a very slick looking platform, but true-to-form Starwood missed the mark completely.
They have missed the mark, Chris, and it’s such a waste of a great opportunity for them.
I read an interesting assessment on about hotels and blogs. While it mentions as an example of what a hotel could do (it’s not a good example!), the article overall is a pretty good one if you want to get a sense of what you could do with blogs.
That is a very good article – thanks for the tip.
My colleages and I read your comments about not having comments enabled for our launch last week and wanted you to know that today we made an adjustment to the site so that there are now moderated comments on the site.
Over the next few weeks we’ll continue to address the ability for Starwood customers to participate in a dialogue on the site and we’ll continue to make adjustments like we did today.
We hope you track our progress
Marc Schiller
That’s very good news, Marc. Thanks for stopping by to leave your comment.
I’m sure you will find that enabling direct commenting will influence what visitors do at, ie, make it more likely that someone will want to make a comment to a post.
The only thing I would gently suggest is re the formal terms and conditions statement. Pretty onerous! I realize you want to have such a statement, but would it not be better to have a link to it accessible somewhere and instead include a different text in the comment area that is a lot friendlier? Maybe such as the one GM has?
In any event, congrats on your decision to enable commenting. And thanks for listening to criticism.
Looking forward to seeing how develops.
[…] 18:42 Using blogs to build engagement with customers – Starwood Hotels launches and misses the mark with commenting (in particular); Anil Dash suggests a staged commenting structure; some commenting changes on the blog today but what else should they do? […]
One should know that Starwood has a dedicated person and one of the most successful Frequent Traveller forums, flyertalk.
Everybody loves William. ;)
That’s an interesting forum, Nicole. I found the one about Starwood along with other hotel chains. Lots of complaints and I wonder if anyone there actually tells those chains directly about any of the issues they have. Or is it just a place where people go to talk among themselves?
That is an absolute timewaster. Don’t start using it. *gg*
Yes, they are listing. Starwood has the Starwood Lurker, Hilton has just let somebody called Cyntha post that she is kind of the liason to Hilton and there are know cases of Lurkers for example from Airlines.
For the BA board for example, there are several flight attendents and also some people working in BA which means that they are sometimes able to shed light on some transactions.
As far as I know, chains / airlines are away about this and do take hints from here. Some of the more influential sites of travelling do read post here regulary.
While there are a lot of complaints, there are also a lot of information. It is a very active community and a lot of help if you want to go through the joys of several hotel / flying programs.
I can give impromtu speeches of how some of those work and compare. Isn’t that sad? ;)