Matt Mullenweg, the man behind WordPress, has got a little funding:

[…] The growth of and Akismet has outpaced anyone’s expectations. Recently, I made the decision to sell a minority stake in the company to a few select partners who I think are going to bring a lot of value to the business far beyond mere dollars. This isn’t going to change how the business is run, or the people involved with it, but it will allow us to take better advantage of the opportunities before us and also for us to keep our promise to every one of you to maintain a fast, stable, and innovative platform in the long term.

As a user and, more significantly for me, a WordPress platform (this blog) and Akismet user, I’m pleased to learn of this. Congrats to everyone at Automattic.

It also makes you think that, when you see a spoof announcement, you should perk up your eyes and ears and pay closer attention to a company as it may give you a clue about some thinking, if not intentions, that may materialize into something interesting.

Such as this.

[Edit 13/4] Good posts from two of those directly involved which explain who’s doing the backing and why: