Every now and again, I meet someone who knows a bit about me from reading my blog or following me on Twitter – but still asks “So what is it you do?”

Even though I’ve been writing this particular blog since 2006 and have wording on it that talks about what I do, it’s really not very clear. Even I have trouble finding information sometimes. An encounter a few days ago and the inevitable question prompted me to do something about that asap.

The result is detailed new content to answer that question, published on a new website under a domain I’ve had for some years but never used in a meaningful way.

Neville Hobson business website

Although the new website at www.nevillehobson.eu runs WordPress, it’s not set up as a blog – the place for that continues to be at nevillehobson.com. The new site comprises just five content titles that should give very clear signals as to what topics each content page addresses:

About | Consulting |Speaking | Writing | Podcasting

If you arrive on the site’s home page, you’ll find a kaleidoscope of content from my social stream, courtesy of Rebelmouse. It’s a service I’m experimenting with – and have had a version running on this blog for some months – that takes what you tweet about and automatically creates a visual display of the content that’s compelling and attractive to look at and interact with.

I think it also gives anyone a little insight into the types of content someone finds interesting and sharable from a range of their places across the social web including Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr, RSS feeds from blogs and more. See if you agree.

Putting Rebelmouse on the home page, incidentally, came after I saw what Paul Chaney did with his business website. Like it!

So, in the interests of clarity, I’ve finally explained a few things, hopefully better than I had before. I don’t expect anyone to ask me “So what is it you do?” once they’ve taken a peek at anything on the new website.

Feedback and opinion welcome, thanks.

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