If you want to find out how organizations are using wikis, the 33 wikis project from eastwikkers is a terrific place to start.
This wiki includes detailed commentary and analysis on each of the 33 wikis listed. It aggregates that from the daily posts eastwikkers has been running for the past, well, 33 days into an online case study resource.
Nice work, Giovanni and everyone at eastwikkers.
4 responses to “33 wikis resource”
Yep – isn’t it a pity the EU in general is so far behind on its thinking about these things – espeically as the blo/wiki/forum metaphor could add so much value.
Not sure where the EU fits in with this, Dennis. Care to throw a bit of light on that?
When I look at rthe listings, they’re skewed towardsd the US – where are the great EU examples? Unless I skimmed too quickly.
Well, it was done by Eastwikkers which is a US-based agency. Plus examples in Europe generally are still pretty thin on the ground. So perhaps they couldn’t find any examples to include.