Alex Ostrovsky is one lucky fellow. He was the purchaser and downloader of the billionth song from Apple’s iTunes online store and has won the Apple promotion which ended yesterday.

Drool over his prizes:

Total US list price value: about $15,700 (€13,200). Not a bad return on a 99-cent investment.

The ROI for Apple will undoubtedly be greater. For instance, how many more people bought/downloaded more songs in the hope of winning that prize? There was no second or third prize – just the one big prize. And think of the PR value from creating greater buzz and awareness about iTunes and legally-downloadable music.

Finally, a great quote by Ostrovsky in an NY Times article today:

[…] Until now, Mr. Ostrovsky has not been a frequent user of the iTunes store. “I’ve downloaded maybe 50 songs, but I was always more likely to borrow CD’s from my friends,” he said. “I’m certainly going to download more songs now.”

Apple no doubt will be pleased to hear this!

One response to “Big winners of iTunes promo”

  1. Weekly Roundup February 24, 2006…

    Lucky Alex Ostrososky whose $.99 to download “Speed of Sound” sent the counter rolling over to 1,000,000,000 won 10 iPods, a $10,000 iTunes music card and a 20 inch iMac Wired says the Mac Attack a Load of Crap. Matthew Ingram asks when will Google…