
Thinking a little about trust, the topic of discussion this evening in FIR Live on BlogTalk Radio, and looking around the web I came across a post from US blogger David Armano, via Tim Malbon, containing the image you see above.

David calls this the “Professional Prism of Trust.” He doesn’t explain it; I suppose it is obvious, so perhaps it doesn’t need explanation – according to David’s chart, you trust your doctor far more than you trust your social media expert.

While the chart may be a little tongue in cheek as David notes in his own comment, you have to ask: can a social media expert really be lower in anyone’s feeling of trust than, say, a snake-oil salesman?

Well, 25 or so people broadly agree in the post’s comments, many of whom have also weighed in with their different takes on David’s prism.

A banker could be lower, I reckon. A lot lower.

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8 responses to “Who would you trust least?”

  1. jangles (neville) avatar

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    [Blog] Who would you trust least?: Thinking a little about trust, the topic of discussion this evening in FIR Live… [link to post]

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  2. neville (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] Who would you trust least?: Thinking a little about trust, the topic of discussion this evening in FIR Live… [link to post]

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  3. WilliamMuncrief (William Muncrief) avatar

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    Provocative post on social media experts, ouch!
    [link to post]

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  4. wootten (Rick Wootten) avatar

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    laughing at Who would you trust least? [link to post]

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  5. @jangles: Who would you trust least? bankers, social media pro’s & snake oil salesmen lower than lawyers

  6. kevinokeefe (Kevin OKeefe) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @jangles: Who would you trust least? [link to post] bankers, social media pro’s & snake oil salesmen lower than lawyers

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  7. @ActionLamb @joannejacobs @loudmouthman @freecloud heh, snake oil :)

  8. @jangle @joannejacobs @loudmouthman @freecloud Sad state of affairs – good diagram at – purveyors of snake oil take note!