The British media’s continuing love affair with Twitter has taken a huge leap into the mainstream with “Twitter Crazy,” an easy-to-understand guide to getting into microblogging published in today’s Telegraph Weekend, the lifestyle supplement in The Daily Telegraph on Saturdays.


Written by freelance writer Lucy Atkins (who’s on Twitter, natch), the guide – which takes up two pages in the broadsheet paper – is a good and well-written introduction to a social phenomenon that should be simple to grasp by almost anyone, certainly the typical Telegraph reader.

You know something has gone mainstream when a detailed how-to feature about it appears in a publication that also flags up one about New Age toddlers saluting the sun and another on how to make marmalade.

The Twitter guide in today’s printed newspaper – on sale in newsstands up and down the country and in many others – is the same content written by Atkins and published in the Telegraph online a couple of days ago.

So if you didn’t buy today’s Telegraph newspaper, you can get at all the content online in the main feature:

And the sidebars:

In fact, the Telegraph has a huge range of content about Twitter. All you need to know is there.

If you’re already on Twitter, brace yourself for more waves of followers.

And just look at that huge Twitter logo on the front page of the Telegraph Weekend. If I were in charge of PR for Twitter, I’d be a happy man!

[Extra: my photos of the Telegraph Weekend Twitter feature on Flickr.]

14 responses to “The Telegraph is Twitter crazy”

  1. RT @jangles: [Blog] The Telegraph is Twitter crazy:

  2. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar Comment

    [Blog] The Telegraph is Twitter crazy: The British media’s continuing love affair with Twitter has taken a huge … [link to post]

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  3. Hobson: The Telegraph is Twitter crazy: The British media’s continuing love affair with Twitter has taken..

  4. irwebreport (Dominic @IRWebReport) avatar

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    RT @jangles: The Telegraph is Twitter crazy. [link to post]

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  5. David Miller avatar

    world wide web = Global Community for Twitter

  6. TrendTracker (TrendTracker) avatar

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    UK Telegraph is Twitter crazy [link to post]

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  7. RT @TrendTracker: UK Telegraph is Twitter crazy

  8. hojomo (Howard Moorey) avatar

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    RT @TrendTracker: UK Telegraph is Twitter crazy [link to post]

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  9. The telegraph is twitter crazy

  10. flyinglens (Marie Young) avatar

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    The telegraph is twitter crazy [link to post]

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  11. eggboxrobin (Robin Houghton) avatar

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    Pointing a Twitter newbie friend @LucyWaters to @jangles excellent post re the Telegraph/Twitter thing yesterday [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  12. The Telegraph Week-End edition publishes 2 pages (broadsheet) of celebritie’s best tweets

  13. JeanYves (Huwart) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    The Telegraph Week-End edition publishes 2 pages (broadsheet) of celebritie’s best tweets [link to post]

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  14. islayblog (Armin) avatar

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    Even the Telegraph tells “us” how to Twitter: [link to post]

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