20022009667sm A whole industry has sprung up around Twitter, the microblogging service that attracts lots of money but isn’t yet too concerned with making any itself.

Leave that to other entrepreneurs to monetize Twitter with the imagination to create something that others might be willing to pay for.

Like Twitter Mosaic and Zazzle, who have teamed up to produce merchandise with a mosaic of your Twitter friends’ icons on a t-shirt, a mug, a mousemat and other items.

I ordered a mug last week which I got today. It’s very nice as the photo I took suggests. You get a better sense, though, of how cool the mosaic on the mug is by seeing it in this short video I made.

I don’t know how Twitter Mosaic selects which Twitter friends’ avatars to include, nor the order in which they are included. And if you don’t see your avatar in the video, it’s not my fault!

The Twitter Mosaic mug is a bit of a pricey item to order from the UK as the shipping cost (£6.98) is not far off the cost of the item itself (£10.95).

Still, you gotta have one, haven’t you? :)

Drew Benvie had a good idea, tweeting to suggest that people whose Twitter icons are shown on the mug could tag themselves on the photo. You can also do something similar on the YouTube video with annotations.

Why not? More ways to connect community.

[Update Feb 24] One of my Twitter buddies, Ken McGuire in Ireland, also has a Twitter Mosaic mug (the large size!) and has also done a great video review.

Watching Ken’s video, I noticed his reference to being able to create Moo minicards at Twitter Mosaic. That’s new since I last looked.

19 responses to “A Twitter Mosaic mug”

  1. @mashable RT: @jangles A Twitter Mosaic Mug http://tinyurl.com/c3asf8

  2. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    identi.ca Comment

    [Blog] A Twitter Mosaic mug: A whole industry has sprung up around Twitter, the microblogging service that attract… [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. Hobson: A Twitter Mosaic mug: A whole industry has sprung up around Twitter, the microblogging service th.. http://tinyurl.com/bqdddx

  4. hotpodders (HotPodders.com) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Cool Twitter mug with pics….[link to post]

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  5. Speaking of @jangles, I think I might get one of these mugs too: http://bit.ly/126lFg

  6. jenzings (Jen Zingsheim) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Speaking of @jangles, I think I might get one of these mugs too: [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  7. @wossy psst want a twitter mosaic mug? http://url.ie/17u5 DM me for details.

  8. walter (Walter Higgins) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @wossy psst want a twitter mosaic mug? [link to post] DM me for details.

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  9. A Twitter Mosaic mug: a coffee mug with your Twitter followers on it! How cool is that! http://hub.tm/?JEFHK

  10. socialdave (David Perry) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    A Twitter Mosaic mug: a coffee mug with your Twitter followers on it! How cool is that! [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  11. @jangles thanks for the short vid, i want a twitter mosaic mug now impressive! http://tinyurl.com/c3asf8

  12. abstracked (abstracked) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    A Twitter Mosaic Mug – [link to post]

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  13. deeped (Niclas Strandh) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @mynewsdesk One like these would do :) [link to post]

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  14. […] Update: Neville Hobson (@jangles) has another video review here. […]

  15. jangles (neville) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @kenmcguire snap! [link to post]

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  16. @Courageous_one Good thanks :0) we got to get one! I’ll let you know when my twitter mug arrives http://is.gd/kJdF

  17. […] A Twitter Mosaic mug (nevillehobson.com) […]

  18. adobeaddict (Paul McE) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @digmo got the service [link to post]

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