Testing the blogging functionality in Word 2007 beta 2.
Just installed Office Professional Plus 2007 beta 2 which includes Word. I’ve held off on doing it until now principally as I wanted to be sure that NEO Pro, my email manager, works ok with Outlook 2007. Developer Caelo says it does although no beta version of Outlook is officially supported.
So, can I post this from Word?
I’ve gone through the steps to set up my WordPress blog using the Metaweblog API; got the confirmation that all is set up correctly for Word to post. Known issues – categories aren’t supported and the post date/time will likely be wrong.
But let’s give it a go…
[Edit] Well it did work just fine. The post was successfully published. Impressive.
The date/time was definitely incorrect, though – posted with a date of January 1, 1970 at 01:59. Changed to reflect the actual date/time. I’d certainly expect this issue to be fixed asap if Word is to be taken even halfway seriously during the beta as a blogging tool.
Category not set either. Or rather, set to whatever is the default category in WordPress (in my case, General). So I’ve changed that to the categories you now see.
I have to say, though, that this is extremely impressive. If the two known issues – date/time error and categories – can be fixed quickly, then this will be a highly credible blogging tool.
2 responses to “Blogging from Word 2007”
I don’t know what you mean about the date, man. Your post is groovy. :-)
Hey, first of all, cool search box, I need to get one of those myself.
Secondly, I don’t think my point about Word as a blogging tool came across (the one I made to FIR). Sure, it’ll give a boost to blogging and sure, many different apps will have publish-to-blog- features (which is exactly what I wrote in my comment).
However, I think blogging is much more intrinsic with a browser than a text editor. For many people blogging is about networking=linking, not about creating valuable content which might need a thoughtfully crafted long text.
Me for example. I have thought and write it in my browser. Which is how I find the links I need. And the flickr images I need. I just don’t want to open an additional app. And performancing lets me save notes or craft offline. Sure I am not the only one, and I am not saying blogging with Word won’t have its followers, I just think blogging with Word will only get you so far and you’ll miss certain functions which other apps might do better.