Catching an early flight to Brussels this morning to join Philippe Borremans at the IAOC Where Content and Technology Meet two-day conference taking place at the IBM Forum.

I’ll be occupying the keynote presentation slot just after lunch today. In that slot, both Shel Holtz and I will be presenting on the theme “Communicating on the Read/Write Web.” Shel will be on the other end of a Skype call from California (at 4.30am his time!), just as we did in reversed roles for a similar IAOC conference in the US in March.

I wish I’d been able to be at the event yesterday as well, as I can see from posts by Philippe, Philip Young and on the IAOC blog that some very interesting discussions have been going on.

Anyway, our keynote session will be recorded and we’ll be releasing it soon as an FIR Speakers & Speeches podcast.

2 responses to “Talking about the read/write web”

  1. Philippe Borremans avatar

    Hi Neville,

    A quick comment to say a big thank you for your active participation at the conference. Feedback was positive and this will not be our last one in Europe.

    You and Shel talking about new media was a perfect closing.

    PS : Waiting for my deadline on my “News from Brussels” assignement.. ;-)

  2. neville avatar

    It was great seeing you again, Philippe. Thanks for your terrific hospitality. And you’ll be getting that deadline very soon :)