They can’t match the volume nor quality of the thousands of photos taken by professional photographers with cool cameras, nor those from many amateurs, but these pics I snapped with my iPhone from the BBC live TV coverage at just gone 8am this morning of President Obama’s arrival at Number 10 Downing Street and then converted to a cool video with Animoto tell a little story, too.
- [Later] Animoto exports video it creates to YouTube so this little audio-visual story is on YouTube, too. A better viewing experience, I think.
The US president arrived here last night to participate in the G20 meeting in London.
There are many ways to follow the news about the G20 meeting and associated events during the next two days. For social media commentary, take a look at these two event streams I set up as an experiment with Tinker, a new service that lets you create an event by keyword to track the buzz from Twitter and across the social web.
Easier to understand than hashtags, I reckon, and prettier to view than Twitter Search. But is it good enough to actually track the buzz?
[Update] One other place to pay attention to is G20Voice:
50 of the world’s most interesting and influential bloggers will be your eyes and ears at the G20 Summit in London, April 2. They come from 22 different countries, and between them represent a global audience of over 14 million readers and online participants. They are journalists who use blogging as their medium to disseminate their views. Some are ‘professional bloggers’, others are ordinary citizens who have become well known through their blogs.
I know one of these 50 – Lloyd Davis who explains what everyone will be doing. It looks like a terrific experience! I’ll be following Lloyd’s tweets as well. And of course, the #G20voice keyword tag.
So commentary from a group of bloggers who will most likely offer an alternative, independent view of the G20.
Some interesting perspectives over the next few days.
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Tracking the G20 buzz — For social media commentary, take a look at these two event streams I.. [link to post]
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