Each month since last December, my friends at information portal and news search engine Wikio have given me a glimpse of their monthly ranking of the UK’s top technology blogs ahead of publication.

It’s April and I’ve just been looking through Wikio’s latest data for the top 30 UK tech blogs, a subset of the top 100 blogs ranking that Wikio will be publishing soon.

Here’s Wikio’s list for April 2009 of the Top 30 Technology Blogs in the UK:

  1. imran.ali
  2. Blah! Blah! Technology
  3. TechCrunch UK
  4. The Guardian Technology blog
  5. Coolest Gadgets
  6. dot.life
  7. The Red Ferret Journal
  8. TechDigest
  9. Geeky Gadgets
  10. jkkmobile
  11. Gaj-It.com – UK Gadget News
  12. Gadget Venue dot com
  13. BBC Internet blog
  14. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design
  15. Dial-a-Phone
  16. NevilleHobson
  17. BlogStorm
  18. the::unwired
  19. broadstuff
  20. Phones Review
  21. Wonderland
  22. Econsultancy blog
  23. qwghlm.co.uk
  24. Telegraph Blogs – Shane Richmond – Technology
  25. Simon Willison’s Weblog
  26. OUseful.Info, the blog…
  27. Blog.Spoon Graphics
  28. GadgetGrid
  29. UK Offer Media Affiliate Blog
  30. GadgetLite Blog

Ranking by Wikio.

A take or two:

See the complete list of the top 100 UK tech blogs at Wikio.

7 responses to “Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2009”

  1. prblogs

    Hobson: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2009: Each month since last December, my friends at informat.. http://tinyurl.com/cjorey

  2. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2009 [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2009 http://tinyurl.com/dguswa

  4. Hobson: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for April 2009: Each month since last December, my friends at informat.. http://tinyurl.com/cjorey

  5. theunwired (the::unwired) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Cool, the::unwired is again under Wikio’s top 30 UK tech blogs (April 09 – [link to post]). Thanks for visiting & reading the::unwired.

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  6. Cool, the::unwired is again under Wikio’s top 30 UK tech blogs (April 09 – http://is.gd/qRp8). Thanks for visiting & reading the::unwired.

  7. […] No change in the top 4 from last month’s top 30 list. […]