dominospatrickdoyle Yesterday was quite a day for Domino’s Pizza‘s leadership and the communication team.

It was a day during which the number of people who viewed a nasty video posted to YouTube by two rogue employees approached a million,  thousands of others posted comments online, and the company became embroiled in a huge and very fast-moving crisis of reputation and trust.

I wrote at length yesterday about this rapidly-evolving PR crisis, updating the post during the day as events developed. I didn’t embed the offending video directly in that post; it’s just too disgusting.

I did link to it, though, and kept an eye on YouTube during the day as the view count steadily increased:

  • 562,627 views (8am)
  • 636,000 views (11:15am)
  • 690,000 views (1pm)
  • 728,816 views (3pm)
  • 745,679 views (5pm)
  • 930,390 views (9:30pm)

It’s astonishing growth in just one day; combined with all the general commentary and  Twitter talk, I think that’s one video you could definitely apply the word “viral” to.

I’m sure views exceeded a million since my last check last night but I can’t tell this morning as the video has been taken down: if you go to the original location on YouTube, you’ll see this message:

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Kristy Hammonds.

Kristy Hammonds is one of the two employees who made the video and who is presently under arrest along with her colleague.

However, I’m sure it’s out there somewhere on the net, discoverable if you look for it. And if you really want to see what it’s about, Consumerist has their own copy along with two others made by those two Domino’s employees (now ex employees).

So what was Domino’s doing while fires were igniting all around them? Not much in public other than a statement on their corporate website (the content has changed since it was first posted yesterday: see my post of yesterday for the original content), but clearly quite a bit of planning and preparation behind the scenes.

That planning and prep resulted in a video by Patrick Doyle, President of Domino’s USA, in which he apologizes to customers and outlines what the company is doing to address consumer concerns resulting from the rogue employees’ video.

This is one video I’m more than happy to embed directly.

The only advice I’d offer Mr Doyle and his communicators is this: look straight at the camera next time you do a video like this. It will make you appear more sincere and give me a sense that you’re speaking directly to me rather than looking at (and so speaking to) someone else out of shot.

But this video is very good indeed, an appropriate first direct response (and means of responding), in my view, to the events of the past few days.

Along with the new Twitter account someone at Domino’s started yesterday, it shifts the initiative to the company and demonstrates that they are paying attention and are actively engaging to address all those concerns so many people have articulated online.

It’s a good beginning.

Among the many mainstream media commentaries about this affair that have sprung up over the past 24 hours, the New York Times has a great assessment of this kerfuffle and a good perspective on what it does mean for the company and its brand.

[…] In just a few days, Domino’s reputation was damaged. The perception of its quality among consumers went from positive to negative since Monday, according to the research firm YouGov, which holds online surveys of about 1,000 consumers every day regarding hundreds of brands.

[…] The Domino’s experience “is a nightmare,” said Paul Gallagher, managing director and a head of the United States crisis practice at the public relations firm Burson-Marsteller. “It’s the toughest situation for a company to face in terms of a digital crisis.”

[…] As the company learned about the video on Tuesday, [Tim] McIntyre [Domino’s VP of Communications] said, executives decided not to respond aggressively, hoping the controversy would quiet down. “What we missed was the perpetual mushroom effect of viral sensations,” he said.

In social media, “if you think it’s not going to spread, that’s when it gets bigger,” said Scott Hoffman, the chief marketing officer of the social-media marketing firm Lotame. “We realized that when many of the comments and questions in Twitter were, “What is Domino’s doing about it”, Mr. McIntyre said. “Well, we were doing and saying things, but they weren’t being covered in Twitter.”

Plenty of food for thought.

(We’ll be discussing the Domino’s crisis in today’s episode of the FIR podcast.)

Related post:

30 responses to “Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza”

  1. […] 4: At least 2 sources (CNET and Neville Hobson), while expressing happiness over Domino’s response, admonish Domino’s President […]

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  4. What we like on the Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza: Yesterday was quite a day for Do..

  5. Prep for recording FIR 440 solo. Major topic: Domino’s. Got an opinion to add to today’s show? Tweet if so.

  6. kenburbary (Ken Burbary) avatar

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    Reading: Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza – [link to post] #dominos

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  7. Benjamin avatar

    Looks like he’s reading a script from a screen off camera – a common mistake when creating videos like this – or has eye problems, in which case the camera should have been moved.

    Given the severity of the incident, I would have thought calling in a professional video producer and director, who would have sorted out most of the issues in the video, would have been in order.

    The comments on it on YouTube make for interesting reading. Yes, it is the usual YouTube comment fodder, but does seem to imply that the video didn’t hit the mark.

  8. Jaan Kanellis avatar

    Great post on this issue for Dominos. Considering how bad other companies have handled reputation issues online, I actually commend Dominos. Opening a Twitter account, posting a video and trying to participate in the conversation. Much better than just broadcasting a message or even worse ignoring it.

  9. Great post on recent Dominos reputation issues.

  10. Willard avatar

    I quit eating Domino’s pizza back in the 70’s when I heard that the company funds anti abortion/right to lifer-christian groups. I encourage all who value human rights to boycott Domino’s.

  11. The Labour Humanist avatar

    Being that Domino’s have some shocking concerns about the way they treat employees, one can’t help feel that, ahem, what you sow, you then reap. I am must admit some schadenfrude on this one, ever since discovering some disgraceful practices of employing foreign workers (here in the UK) with some ending up with “negative wages” – and deducting wages to pay for the delivery car! I have boycotted ever since, and dearly hope their reputation is shredded for good. We don’t like union-busting-exploit-the-vulnerable-types now do we.

  12. Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza #postrank #marketing

  13. Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza —

  14. Good find from @ReginaldReglus #Socialmedia baptism for Domino’s Pizza —

  15. TweetNewz (TweetNewz) avatar

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    Social media baptism for Domino’s Pizza [ – Twitter] [link to post]

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  16. neville avatar

    Benjamin, not sure I agree re the professional video production. This isn’t about making a professional video: it’s about authenticity. Just look at the terrific example of David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue and compare the two.

    You’re absolutely right re not looking at the camera, reading a script, etc, so perhaps a little coaching and advice to make Mr Doyle feel far more relaxed and confident would have helped.

    Jaan, I think they’re going through on-the-job learning.

    Willard, cute comment but pretty useless without a reference: it’s just your opinion. How does that count?

    The Labour Humanist, are you suggesting that the example you link to in that BBC report (from Sept 2007, btw) applies to all of Domino’s? If you have evidence of that, then you’ve really got a story. But without something, isn’t it a bit like someone suggesting that the two rogue employees with this video are representative of Domino’s as a whole? That stretches creditability hugely.

    Which of course is part of the reputation and trust issue Domino’s have to address.

  17. The Labour Humanist avatar

    Don’t know why you are so surprised by Willard’s comment – or think exploitation of the vulnerable is either “rogue” outlets or just matters of opinion. Domino’s and its founder have a long record of funding ultra conservative groups – it’s in the “culture” of the organisation.

  18. K avatar

    The only thing I have to disagree with you about is your comment about the camera (the other content was terrific though-good job). Given the severity of the event, the President may not have had the luxury to rehearse the script and look directly at the camera, especially when there are at least 150,000 jobs in the line in this economic crisis. He reacted with speed and alacrity, defusing the situation professionally and as quickly as possible. One has to admit that it was an admirable feat-he could have just released a memo on the Domino’s Pizza website without doing anything. Instead, he went to the source of the trouble, and took care of it as soon as possible, implying sincerity on his part, as well as competence.


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