4:49:16 PM: Moderatorr is Christophe Langlois (@Visible_Banking) at Lloyds TSB and a blogger. http://bit.ly/fQsbh #smo09
4:53:29 PM: Panelists: Anne McCrossan (Visceral Business), Iain Simpson (BDO Stoy Hayward) … #smo09
4:53:59 PM: Panelists cont’d: Chris Thorpe (MySpace), Nick Burcher (Vivaki/Publicis). #smo09
4:56:54 PM: @nickburcher talking about digital natives. #smo09
5:02:26 PM: Iain Simpson describing role of Twitter in communication of govt financials, ie, the Budget. #smo09
5:06:06 PM: We’re all the Google generation, says Iain Simpson. #smo09
5:12:52 PM: Iain Simpson: “I’m not a big believer in ROI.” #smo09
5:15:06 PM: Common sense of the day from @nickburcher: Define your objectives at the start, then many different things you can measure.” #smo09
5:26:56 PM: Chris Thorpe: “If you lie on Facebook, Twitter, etc, you’re lying to your friends.” #smo09
5:31:29 PM: Iain Simpson: What happens if the free services, in which we’ve invested social capital, pull the plug because they can’t monetize? #smo09
5:34:06 PM: And with that, the panel concludes. Good discussion. #smo09
One response to “Panel discussion at Somesso London 09”
Hobson: Panel discussion at Somesso London 09: 4:49:16 PM: Moderatorr is Christophe Langlois (@Visible_Ba.. http://tinyurl.com/rxtmu4