
If you want to find journalists who use Twitter, there are quite a few directories out there already.

A new entrant from business intelligence firm Cision, launched today, looks like it could be the place users will find of great value as it offers a lot more than simply a listing. – powered by Cision – is a relationship-building tool for PR professionals and journalists. Using Cision’s global expertise in media intelligence, we’ve created to sort journalists’ Twitter content into useful, manageable conversations – providing a real-time snapshot of what thousands of reporters, editors, bloggers and broadcasters are discussing in the areas of business, technology, lifestyle/entertainment and health. Using profiles from Cision’s industry-leading, worldwide media database, JournalistTweets streams content from journalists in North America and the United Kingdom, with more countries coming soon.

Unlike other sites aggregating messages from Twitter, JournalistTweets makes all tweets fully searchable, and allows you to tweet back to a journalist directly through the site without having to visit

A promising resource.

(Via @rdfrench)

Cision-related: check out the UK Top 50 Blogs Ranking from Cision UK, launched last month.

7 responses to “JournalistTweets: more than just a directory”

  1. [Blog] JournalistTweets: more than just a directory

  2. Hobson: JournalistTweets: more than just a directory:
    If you want to find journalists who use Twitter, t..

  3. Nice post on from @jangles (via @rdfrench)

  4. Robert French avatar

    I agree, Neville. It has potential. There seem to be a lot of bloggers in their feeds, too. Since they are in Beta, we’ll likely see many changes and adaptations. Identifying the difference between blogger (citizen journalist) and journalists in traditional media outlets will be a useful distinction.

    Love the name, JournalistTweet, too.

  5. Chris Nee avatar

    Neat. If this works out, I can see a few of my less Twitterish colleagues beginning to see some value. Thanks for pointing it out!

  6. […] via Neville Hobson and Susannah Wyeth. Posted in Uncategorized Tags: Cision, Journalist, PR, Social Networks, […]

  7. FaronLoren avatar

    This resource could allow anyone using twitter to find the latest articles, news and comments from his favorite journalists. This can quickly become a very popular dealers Chicago