I’ve just spent a valuable thirty minutes absorbing some great thinking from a range of new PR voices at Behind The Spin, the blog of the print magazine of the same name written by PR students from across the UK.

The topics aren’t new by any means. But the thinking is refreshing and gives you a good idea of how some of our younger colleagues about to enter the profession see some of the topics that those of us with, let’s say, a more seasoned approach often write about.

For example, try these new posts for size:

Each post has a photo of the blogger, helpful to your perception of the persona of that blogger. (What would also be great is a brief bio of each blogger and their academic affiliation with their respective posts to give you a more complete picture, so to speak.)

To many of us with significant years in the communication business, it’s easy to forget that each one of us was starting out at some point.

2 responses to “Listen to the new PR voices”

  1. Paull Young avatar


    I’ve started a list of young PR bloggers on the new PR wiki, and I’ve set up a squidoo lens featuring a number of PR students and new practitioners.

    I’ve blogged about it here – thought it might be of some interest!

  2. neville avatar

    That’s a great resource, Paull, thanks. Nice work.