
#FuturePRoof, a crowdsourced book and community with the bold ambition of asserting the value public relations has, launched today.

The book aims to kick start the biggest conversation ever about the future of public relations. It is available as a free download and printed copies are priced £25.99 from Blurb.

Edited and curated by public relations consultant and agency owner Sarah Hall, with a foreword from Ketchum’s chief engagement officer Stephen Waddington, the 33-chapter book covers a wide range of topics affecting the managers of communications teams and agencies.

In describing the book, Sarah says:

The purpose of the book is to remind ourselves and the business community of the inherent value of PR and to raise awareness of the role it plays in driving organisational success.

It’s a practical guide aimed at driving up standards and professionalism. The aim is to engender innovative thinking and encourage PR practitioners to create disruption, not just embrace it.

The book includes advice from a stellar line up of academics and practitioners who have all given their time free of charge to share their expertise.

Chapters describe emerging areas of practice such as PR’s move towards paid, mapping workflow and freelance business models as well as cover more traditional topics such as measurement and evaluation, ethics and stakeholder management.

Stephen says that #FuturePRoof is an ambitious project whose purpose is to explore the opportunity for public relations right now and in the next ten years. He adds:

Whatever your role in the profession there’s something that will prompt you to consider the public relations remit. It sets out clearly the areas we need to focus on to stay relevant as the communications landscape continues to shift and evolve.

Some influential voices have good things to say about this book. Take a look at #FuturePRoof. And join the conversation.

29 responses to “#FuturePRoof: “The biggest ever conversation about the future of PR” launches”

  1. Hallmeister avatar

    Thanks Neville, all the contributors have given their time free of charge and provided some really insightful thought leadership. I hope others derive as much value from #FuturePRoof as I have, Sarah. Appreciate the post and shares.