I’ve been in two minds all week about whether to post this photo here or not. It seemed too much like own-horn tooting or trumpet-blowing.
But today I thought, what the heck, it’s a milestone event, let’s just get it up there!
So here it is – yours truly last Sunday evening June 7 with the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009:
You can click on the image if you like so you can see an even larger version. :)
The photo was taken by Shel Holtz right after the Opening General Session at the IABC World Conference in San Francisco, which ran from Sunday until yesterday, June 10 (there are lots more conference photos at Flickr with the ‘iabc09’ tag as well as a huge Twitter conversation connected with the #iabc09 hashtag).
The award is a handsome piece of collateral, made of some kind of treated metallic substance with a transparent acrylic slab bolted on top. The engraved words are on the acrylic. It measures about 7 inches by 9 inches (18cm by 23cm) and has a nice weighty feel to it.
At the presentation ceremony on Sunday, I had to make a short speech of acceptance. I was allowed 2 minutes. I think I did it in just over a minute and a half.
I had some notes, not on paper but on my iPhone. They served as my aide memoire so that I could get across some simple points that I wanted to say to express what I felt the award meant to me:
This year is my 20th anniversary year of being an IABC member.
Look back at milestones, other people key to making them happen.
You don’t set out to do volunteerism to get recognized.
It’s about involving others in something you believe in.
But it is nice when it happens.
I’m honoured to accept this award.
Thank you Barb.
I’m thrilled to receive this award, make no mistake!
Related post:
18 responses to “With the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009”
Congrats Neville, thoroughly deserved.
[Blog] With the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009 http://tinyurl.com/mscsv9 #iabc09
Hobson: With the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009: I’ve been in two minds all week about whether to post this p.. http://tinyurl.com/lss29a
Very well deserved.
Ben and CC, I really appreciate your comments. Thanks!
This is a well-deserved honor, and I think you made the right call in posting briefly about it. Congratulations again, and great catching up with you in person in San Francisco.
Congratulations Neville :)
Bryan, Danny, thanks!
With the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009 http://bit.ly/O8LjI #postrank #socialmedia
Congratulations on the award, Neville. Thanks for your years of selfless dedication and generosity to IABC and the profession.
With the IABC Chairman’s Award 2009 http://bit.ly/O8LjI #postrank #socialmedia
Thanks, Joseph, appreciate your words. Great to see you in SF last weekend.
Twitter Comment
@fusionview thanks. I actually blogged about it. With a pic :) [link to post]
– Posted using Chat Catcher
Congrats, Neville! You’ve always been generous with your time and supportive of your fellow business communicators. And you’re really at the forefront of comms technology on top of all your other talents. I love it that your notes were on your iPhone. Also, I enjoyed your other blog post about the barcodes on your business cards.
Thanks, Yang-May, appreciate your comments. Heh, having my notes on the iPhone was quite cool :)
@fusionview thanks. I actually blogged about it. With a pic :) http://bit.ly/PngwL
Congratulations again, Neville. Great picture. And thanks for everything you have done for IABC EME and for your support. It seems like yesterday that we met in Brussels when I was still on the Belgian board. No, I won’t start counting the years….promise!
Thanks, Silvia, appreciate that.
Gosh, was Brussels really that long ago? :)