Yesterday, I posted my first post on The Next Web blog. It was a cross-post of one I wrote here on my own blog.
Interesting to see the popularity and global reach of The Next Web demonstrated as that first post got way more attention than the same post here.
So what will I be doing on The Next Web? Is this a new gig, you may be wondering, or what?
No, I’m not giving up the day job. I’ve accepted an invitation from Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten – the Dutch serial internet entrepreneur and founder of The Next Web (and who I first met in 2005 when I lived in Amsterdam) – to be a contributing editor and will blog at The Next Web from time to time.
Boris not only founded The Next Web conference which takes place in Amsterdam each year, but also developed the brilliant TwitterCounter tool (and other things like the interesting Preople), and he has fingers in quite a few other pies.
I’ll be liaising with Zee Kane, the London-based editor-in-chief of The Next Web blog. As for what I’ll be writing about, I’ll be guided by the philosophy of the next web:
The Next Web blog is an international source of bite size news, profiles, discussion and humour for the internet professional and individuals passionate about the web.
Much of the content from my blog is already syndicated through services such as BlogBurst, Newstex, Web Pro News and Corante. The difference with The Next Web is that I’ll be writing original content there now and again (and cross-posting back here if I think my own readers might be interested in a story).
Looking forward to it all!
7 responses to “Writing on The Next Web”
Thanks for joining us Neville!
Thanks for inviting me, Boris :)
[Blog] Writing on The Next Web #fb
Hobson: Writing on The Next Web: Yesterday, I posted my first post on The Next Web blog. It was a cross-p..
Writing on The Next Web
Good move! Congrats Neville!
Thanks Andrea, appreciate it.