New-marketing pioneer and author Joseph Jaffe was in Amsterdam at the end of the past week to deliver a presentation at Cross Media Week (aka Picnic 06) on Friday.

Picnic 06 is the first of an annual event focused on creativity in cross media content and technology, specifically in the fields of entertainment and communication:

[…] PICNIC ’06 will focus on showcasing content delivered to consumers via TV, the Internet, mobile phones, gaming, virtual reality and music. From online and mobile games to interactive TV show formats, from multi-format brands to consumer-generated content, PICNIC ’06 will inspire you to explore the world of cross media.

Widely known for his seminal work Life After The 30-Second Spot, Joe used his session to explore alternative marketing practices such as on-demand viewing, viral marketing, gaming, branded entertainment, and experiential marketing, which offer fresh approaches to engaging consumers and developing new advertising solutions.

I met up with Joe for breakfast early on Saturday morning and we recorded a short video on my Nokia N70 in which he offers some quick thoughts on Picnic 06.

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View it here.

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  1. […] Joseph Jaffe on Picnic 06 at Two guys I respect big time get together for breakfast and create media (tags: jaffe newmedia) Bookmark this post:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]