Two surveys published this month by Canadian research firm Sysomos looks at countries around the world and the percentage of people online who blog and tweet.

There are some interesting metrics in each analysis  – age distribution and gender, for instance – so it’s worth reading each report if you’re interested in drilling in to the data.

One aspect intrigued me: comparing the percentage of people who write blogs – long form content – and those who only use Twitter – short-form content.

Bloggers around the world – top 15 countries:


Tweeters around the world – top 20 countries:


It’s no surprise that the USA is the top country in both examples. That’s been reflected in survey after survey over the years, eg, those “state of the blogosphere” reports Technorati does.

What’s interesting is the long tail of countries stretching out to the horizons: New Zealand at 0.47%, France 0.98%, Malaysia 1.7%, and so on.

I would imagine the trend we’ll see is the long tail of small numbers developing even more as more people get online – especially via mobile connections – and get into publishing their opinions and comments, either in long-form (blog posts like this one) or short (the 140 characters of Twitter).

So expect more and more data that you’ll need to filter in order to zero in on that which interests you. In parallel, think about ensuring content you publish yourself is effectively tagged so that it shows up in ways that match the key words and phrases that reflect how you want your content to be discovered.

The online analytics business looks like a good one to be in.

(Via Mashable)

119 responses to “The long and the short of it”

  1. [Blog] The long and the short of it #fb #in #sysomossurvey

  2. [] The long and the short of it

  3. World blog and tweet stats (via @jangles – one reading is there's much fuss about something few people do

  4. RT: @jangles [] The long and the short of it

  5. Hobson: The long and the short of it: Two surveys published this month by Canadian research firm Sysomos looks at …

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, Neville Hobson, prblogs, Sherrilynne Starkie, Philip Young and others. Philip Young said: World blog and tweet stats (via @jangles – one reading is there's much fuss about something few people do […]

  7. The long and the short of it

  8. The long and the short of it

  9. The long and the short of it

  10. The long and short of it – 2 surveys on tweeting and blogging, by @jangles at Neville

  11. vox-popPRcareers avatar

    I agree, I also think the online analytics took is a good one to be in.

    However, I do think that the filtering concept will be the one to finally win out. Twitter is fabulous for businesses and people working in businesses like entrepreneurs but I don't see how it works for people on a personal level.

    Too much data can be a bad thing too.

  12. manyko2 (Mark Welkie) avatar

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    RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post]

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  13. reveali (jwcorcoran) avatar

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    RT @jangles The long and the short of it [link to post]

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  14. hemantchabria (Hemant Chabria) avatar

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  15. KatieStart (katie start) avatar

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  16. shilpiiz (Shilpi Bose) avatar

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    Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] /via @Twitter_Tips @LUKIKA @2morrowknight

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    1. mobi2010 (Amit Kumar Dev) avatar

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      @shilpiiz “Entirely claimed by all Social-net & highly debated in all Conference; magnetic charm is global sharing, as realised now by me!”

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    RT @Twitter_Tips Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: @myen – [link to post]

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  18. ShubhankarM (Shubhankar Mazumdar) avatar

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    India is featuring at #12 in blogging & #9 in tweeting among top 15 nations. proud to be Indian :) [link to post] @abhijitdg

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  19. techprone (techprone) avatar

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  20. LovesCafe (❀Giovanna Ibarra❀) avatar

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    Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] /via @Twitter_Tips @LUKIKA

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  22. happy06295 (Happy GoLucky) avatar

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    RT @2morrowknight Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] /via @Twitter_Tips @LUKIKA

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  23. SamPolanco (Sammy Polanco) avatar

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  24. Biorahul (Rahul Sharma) avatar

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    RT @ShubhankarM: India is featuring at #12 in blogging & #9 in tweeting among top 15 nations. proud to be Indian :) [link to post]

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  25. RT @Twitter_Tips Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: #Twitter #blogs

  26. @SrBachchan: India is featuring #12 in blogging & #9 in tweeting among top 15 nations. We're not 3rd world nation.

  27. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  28. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  29. Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: (via @Twitter_Tips)

  30. Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  31. TheTweetNinja (Tweet Ninja) avatar

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  32. maxwellhoffmann (maxwellhoffmann) avatar

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    RT @Twitter_Tips Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] #Twitter #blogs

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  33. erkf0002 (Tom Erkfitz) avatar

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  34. ShubhankarM (Shubhankar Mazumdar) avatar

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    @SrBachchan: India is featuring #12 in blogging & #9 in tweeting among top 15 nations. We’re not 3rd world nation. [link to post]

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  35. novusJ (Jackie Dunbar) avatar

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    RT @Twitter_Tips …Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post]

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  36. IrazuDiaz (irazú díaz) avatar

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    Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] >> Interesante. En México sí q twiteamos… 11a. posición…

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  37. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  38. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  39. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  40. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  41. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  42. RT @2morrowknight Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /via @Twitter_Tips @LUKIKA

  43. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  44. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  45. matthewdbenson avatar

    Would be interesting to compare this list to the population by country, and understand which countries are “punching above their weight”. For example, the USA population is about (very roughly!) 5 times that of UK, but USA has approximately 4.3 times as many bloggers than UK, while USA has roughly 7.1 times as many twitterers.

  46. bobbbyg (Rob Gould) avatar

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    RT @2morrowknight Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] /via @Twitter_Tips @LUKIKA

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  48. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  49. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

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  53. KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitt…

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  55. RT @Twitter_Tips: Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  56. The long and the short of it —

  57. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  58. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  59. Global social media marketing: Percentage of Twitter users, by country –

  60. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  61. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  62. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  63. Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  64. Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  65. RT @KarlDetkenProDJ: [TWITTER TIP] Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: /@Twitter_Tips

  66. The percentage of people online in different countries who blog & tweet : (Links for in depth info)

  67. RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  68. NewsSheet (NewsSheet) avatar

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    Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post]: Twitte…

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  69. RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  70. curious data RT @Twitter_Tips r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  71. RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  72. Groonk (Groonk BOO-YA!) avatar

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    curious data RT @Twitter_Tips r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post]

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  76. RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  77. RT @jangles The long and the short of it

  78. RT @John_Innes – RT Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  79. Brasil twitteiro:
    Pesquisa revela quantas pessoas na função tweet & blog mundo afora.
    Números do Brasil impressionam

  80. zeluiznogueira (Zé Luiz Nogueira) avatar

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    Brasil twitteiro:
    Pesquisa revela quantas pessoas na função tweet & blog mundo afora.
    Números do Brasil impressionam
    [link to post]

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  81. RT Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  82. r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  83. Tweeters & #bloggers around the world. #interesante @recomendar

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    r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post] via @YoTwits

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  89. Brasil é 2º que mais tweeta RT @Twitter_Tips r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  90. AndreKerbauy (Andre Kerbauy) avatar

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    Brasil é 2º que mais tweeta RT @Twitter_Tips r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world: [link to post]

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  91. Interesting stats on blogs vs twitter with percentages by countries: RT @jangles The long and the short of it

  92. USA leads the way! Comparing how many people tweet and blog around the world: (via @Twitter_Tips)

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  94. RT @susandra: RT @Twitter_Tips: r/t Fascinating: Comparing how many people tweet & blog around the world:

  95. Users by nations>>
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    USA leads the way! Comparing how many people tweet and blog around the world: [link to post] (via @Twitter_Tips)

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  99. twitterとブログの国別利用者数の比較>>
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    RT @eugenephoto: USA leads the way! Comparing how many people tweet + blog around the world: [link to post] (via @Twitter_Tips) #Twitter

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  112. RT @jenniferowhite: Bloggers around the world. Top 15 countries blogging – #DrurySMC

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