A new television channel started up today in London that offers the organization behind it an opportunity to reach out in a new and interesting way to people it wants to connect with, and viewers to gain access to information they might otherwise not have a chance to.
Broadcasting live on the net with scheduled interviews, the channel is CIPR TV and the organization behind it is the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR). The inaugural live broadcast of CIPR TV took place today when hosts Philip Sheldrake and Stephen Waddington (left and right respectively in the show screenshot above left) interviewed Paul Mylrea (in the screenshot above right), Head of Press and Media Communications at the BBC and CIPR President-Elect.
It was a good start for CIPR’s audiovisual presence on the net with two hosts who appeared confident and relaxed, as was their guest. During 25 minutes or so, the three discussed a range of topics including communication in the public sector and how the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has gone about announcing its extended regulatory role on social media advertising on the net which has miffed many in the UK PR community (and about which the CIPR itself made a public statement). I did like Paul’s instinctive reaction to it: "The advertising industry does not own social media." Wonder if that will miff the ASA.
In all, though, a pretty safe viewing experience: no ambush journalism here. That’s not meant to criticize. On the contrary, I think that, with CIPR TV, the CIPR has taken a firm step into embracing different forms of communicating, such as video, that present the CIPR in a much more contemporary light, enabling the representative organization of the UK PR industry to extend its voice far beyond the reach it currently has, and be seen to be part of a communication environment that people just expect to see these days.
If this first episode is any indicator, Philip and Stephen are effective hosts who will surely develop the show into something that has real personality. I like the way in which they bring in people’s comments and questions via Twitter and the #ciprtv hashtag – this can add genuine spontaneity to what might otherwise be just a pre-scripted show.
So I’m looking forward to seeing more of CIPR TV. Nice job!
7 responses to “A promising start for CIPR TV”
[nh.com] A promising start for CIPR TV http://goo.gl/fb/gbEIf
[Blog] A promising start for CIPR TV http://tinyurl.com/39v4xp6 #fb #in #ciprtv #cipr
RT @jangles: [Blog] A promising start for CIPR TV http://tinyurl.com/39v4xp6 #fb #in #ciprtv #cipr < many thanks
A promising start for CIPR TV | NevilleHobson.com http://t.co/yI46Loc via @jangles
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[nh.com] A promising start for CIPR TV [link to post]
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I love the fact the social media panel are dragging the CIPR into the modern era. I think Wadds and the guys are doing a great job of bringing a good institution like the CIPR up to speed. Great work.
[…] A promising start for CIPR TV Thanks for Neville Hobson for this review of the first CIPR TV show Posted in Media, PR Tags: links You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. […]