SFGate.com posted a list of the top 10 lies of Web 2.0 which geeky types in particular will find amusing (well, I did).

My two favourites:

  1. This is not a bubble. Hot parties, overheated PR pitches, and five or six dozen social networking sites are just healthy indicators of a new boom.
  2. We’re different from all those other sites. But we have a silly name, open APIs, some flashy Ajax technology, and other features just like the rest of them.

What’s your favourite?

(Via Photo Matt)

2 responses to “Lies and Web 2.0”

  1. Martyn Davies avatar

    I like this one:

    We look forward to working with our new partners at Google. Take the money, hand over the keys and step aside. Larry and Sergey are driving your bus now.

    A few years ago the holy grail was to get acquired by Microsoft of Cisco, but now the target’s Google.

  2. Andrea Weckerle avatar

    “It’s all about community and sharing.” Wish it were so.