A fascinating milestone in social sharing online was passed on September 17 when the five-billionth photo was publicly shared on Flickr, the online photo-sharing service that was in at the beginning of the social media revolution.

So for posterity, here’s that picture, taken by self-described man of the media Aaron Yeo.


Given the impressive number – here’s what it looks like written out: 5,000,000,000 – I wondered just how many pictures are uploaded to Flickr each day. I just uploaded a half dozen or so, and I’m probably a very light user.

Project this out: according to Royal Pingdom in their 2009 internet review published in January, there were four billion photos hosted on Flickr in October 2009. Let’s say the actual date is October 31. That’s roughly 324 days ago. So Flickr grew from 4 to 5 billion in that time, equal roughly to a daily average of 3,086,420 if we’re taking the most common definition of a billion: equivalent to one thousand million.

That’s more than three million photo uploads to Flickr every day during nearly all of the past year.

It’s a lot, isn’t it?  But it pales into the shadows if you consider that, according to Royal Pingdom again, Facebook had 2.5 billion photos uploaded each month during 2009. That’s roughly equivalent to a daily average of 8,333,333.

That’s over eight million photo uploads a day to Facebook.

So much content, so much to search – if ever there was a good argument for tagging your content online, and doing it accurately, this is it. Assuming you want your content more easily discoverable in Google, of course.

In any case, wherever you share your pics, there are an awful lot of them online!

22 responses to “Flickr by the billions”

  1. RT @jangles: [nh.com] Flickr by the billions http://goo.gl/fb/4AQYV

  2. Hmm, wondering if my calculator gave me the right numbers in his post about Flickr http://tinyurl.com/2v3rgfw I need a calc with commas :)

  3. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [Blog] Flickr by the billions [link to post] #fb #in

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  4. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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    [nh.com] Flickr by the billions [link to post]

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  5. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Hmm, wondering if my calculator gave me the right numbers in his post about Flickr [link to post] I need a calc with commas :)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  6. darrellheaps (Darrell Heaps) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles: [nh.com] Flickr by the billions [link to post]

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  7. Voici la 500 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  8. RT @florencedesruol: Voici la 500 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  9. Voici la 5 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  10. RT @florencedesruol: Voici la 5 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  11. RT @florencedesruol: Voici la 5 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  12. #flickr's 5th billion photo is this one : http://is.gd/fjgLD

  13. RT @florencedesruol: Voici la 5 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  14. RT @florencedesruol: Voici la 5 milliardième photo de #flickr http://is.gd/fjgLD

  15. Flickr by the billions http://goo.gl/fb/M1FAJ #twitter

  16. Flickr by the billions http://goo.gl/fb/M1FAJ #twitter

  17. Five billions photos on Flickr, just amazing: http://bit.ly/cFAroG

  18. Sjkato avatar

    You accept that there are thousands or millions of photos being uploaded every day to these servers, but when you read articles like this and see some of the figures being noted in research, you cant help but sit down quietly and contemplate in wonder. 3 million photos to flickr ever day, whilst facebook gets over 8 million. That is something truly eye opening.