weathervaneWhat will 2011 bring for business? What are the significant trends that may influence the fortunes of companies during the coming year, for better or worse? Two questions on many people’s lips; whether you call it ‘predictions’ or ‘trend spotting,’ they provide myriad opportunities for crystal ball-gazing or metaphorical weather-forecasting into the coming twelve months.

We’ve just done some of that at WCG. Yesterday I posted the latest episode of the WCG ThoughtLeaders podcast on the WCG blog. It’s a conversation with my colleague Bob Pearson, WCG’s Chief Technology and Media Officer. In our discussion, Bob gives a retrospective look at how things worked out for some of the ten trends that mattered to every company in 2010, the subject of a similar conversation we had a year ago. That retrospective serves as a backdrop to Bob’s informed predictive view of six top trends for business in 2011, focusing discussion on:

  1. The dawn of the Content Highway
  2. Blogs now equal websites
  3. The real tipping point for e-commerce is just around the corner
  4. Business-to-business apps are the untapped frontier
  5. Gaming will become mainstream for business
  6. Within two years, smartphones will out-ship PCs

thumb-pre-commerceOur 20-minute conversation concludes on pre-commerce, a concept Bob has embraced in his book Pre-Commerce: How Companies and Customers are Transforming Business Together to be published in March 2011 (and launched at the SxSW Interactive conference in Austin, Texas, in March). Bob explains what pre-commerce is and argues that companies need to be very good at it if they are to become leaders in e-commerce. (Follow or join in online discussion with the #precommerce hashtag.)

Finally, take a look at some credible and imaginative thinking about social media and 2011 by others, such as this selection I’ve been reading:

Related post:

(Disclosure: I work for WCG as Head of Social Media Europe, based in the London office.)

25 responses to “Six top trends for business in 2011”

  1. [Blog] Six top trends for business in 2011 #fb #in

  2. [] Six top trends for business in 2011

  3. @mcbennett6 @chuckhemann thanks for those RTs yesterday. There's more :) #precommerce

  4. Six top trends for business in 2011

  5. Six top trends for business in 2011

  6. Six top trends for business in 2011 by Neville Hobson. Will gaming really become mainstream for business???

  7. Six top trends for business in 2011 –

  8. RT @jangles: Six top trends for business in 2011 < THIS IS INTERESTING.

  9. RT @WDMcentral: Six top trends for business in 2011 by N. Hobson. Will gaming really become mainstream for business???

  10. RT @jangles: [Blog] Six top trends for business in 2011 >> Find out what the new year will bring!

  11. RT @onlymarketing: RT @jangles: [Blog] Six top trends for business in 2011 >> Find out what the new yea …

  12. Hobson: Six top trends for business in 2011: What will 2011 bring for business? What are the significant trends …

  13. Six top trends for business in 2011 Great blog Neville (@jangles) #socialmedia

  14. RT @BeckySocial Six top trends for business in 2011 Great blog Neville (@jangles) #socialmedia

  15. Six top trends for business in 2011

  16. RT @beckysocial Six top trends for business in 2011 Great blog Neville (@jangles) #socialmedia

  17. Six top trends for business in 2011

  18. Six top trends for business in 2011

  19. RT @KatieColbourne: RT @BeckySocial Six top trends for business in 2011 Great blog Neville (@jangles) #socialmedia

  20. RT @jangles: [Blog] Six top trends for business in 2011 #fb #in

  21. RT @jangles: [Blog] Six top trends for business in 2011 #fb #in

  22. Six top trends for business in 2011 /by @jangles

  23. RT @jangles: Six top trends for business in 2011

  24. Six top trends for business in 2011 | via @jangles

  25. @drewb ahoy! Six top trends for business in 2011: … Eight Social Media Trends for 2011 by Gini Dietrich; Five …