If knowing the precise date when Windows Vista will be released to the world at large is important to you, mark January 30, 2007, in your diary now:
Microsoft’s founder and chairman Bill Gates will launch the software giant’s long-awaited Windows Vista operating system to home consumers worldwide on a visit to Scotland, it has emerged. Gates will be in Edinburgh for the fourth Microsoft European government leaders’ two-day forum, the first time the event has been staged in the UK. He will release Vista globally to consumers on January 30 – the first day of the forum at the Scottish Parliament.
The Scotsman | Bill Gates visit to open up a new Vista for promotion of Scotland plc
2 responses to “Windows Vista global release date”
What about Office 2007,will it be released at the same time or is it known what date?
I’d be grateful for any feedback.
Looks like it will be at the end of January, Ralf, simultaneously with the consumer release of Windows Vista.