Ok, the blog is installed! The one-click installation procedure at DreamHost really makes it so simple.

This is mainly a test post using QumanaXP 3.0 beta, just to see that it works.

This WordPress blog will be a work in progress to start with as I set things up ready for live and for replacing my presence on TypePad. So after 19 months, nearly 1,500 posts and over 2,800 comments and trackbacks there, the conversation will move to a new home.

In reality, everything will start again from scratch under the new name NevilleHobson.com.

Here’s what will happen:

  • The TypePad blog and its domain name will stay where it is and will no longer be updated. That blog – NevOn – will then become the historical record of my blogging, and the conversations that happened there, since July 2004.
  • My original plan to move to a new WordPress blog I’d dubbed as NevOn 2.0 won’t happen. That blog will also cease and no longer be updated.
  • Still deciding what to do with a couple of other blogs. There’s my NevOn Experimental blog on Movable Type, plus the original one on TypePad. Plus my moblog that I definitely want to keep going.

Shouldn’t be too long before the switch.

6 responses to “Setting up for the switch”

  1. neville avatar

    Testing the comments.

    Next tweak – add the time to posts so that each post displays its posting time CET, not just the date.

  2. […] A week ago, I started this new blog in preparation for moving house, so to speak, from NevOn where I’ve been blogging since mid 2004. As I mentioned in the first post here, I will be completing the move soon and be blogging only from here (during the coming week is the plan). […]

  3. Rob S avatar

    Welcome to WordPress Neville. I’m a huge fan and I’m using it to power two of my podcasting websites. It also happens that I just switched my hosting over to DreamHost a couple of weeks ago. I too, really enjoy the one click installs. Even though I’m used to installing from scratch, it’s nice to not have to deal with uploading all the files. I’ve also updated the link to your blog over at http://www.podcastnyc.net/blog.

  4. Tris Hussey avatar

    Welcome to your new digs Neville. I really like WP as well and it’s my number one choice for new clients.

  5. neville avatar

    Rob, Tris – thanks for your support! Appreciated.

  6. […] When I started this blog in February as an evolution from my presence on TypePad, I set it up with a new service provider, DreamHost. […]