Greetings from New York City!
After an intense week in Atlanta on client business – plus a terrific geek dinner on Wednesday – now I’m in the very cold north-east US for the next four days for a gathering of crayons.
So, now in my hotel on Lexington Avenue, a stone’s throw or two from the Chrysler Building. Shel‘s here, too. We strolled some 14 blocks via Broadway and Times Square this evening to have some dinner together at the Carnegie Deli, a place Shel was very keen to eat at. I agree, great food, although the quantity was enormous. With the current dollar/pound exchange rate, pretty good value for money, though!
Catching up with email and writing this post, with one eye on the TV which is showing back-to-back episodes of CSI Miami. Great television!
Not much work respite this weekend, although Shel and I are meeting up with Rob Safuto on Saturday. One little diversion at least.
More later.