New Communication Forum 2007 A great event starts tomorrow in Las Vegas, USA – the New Communication Forum 2007.

I sit here in the UK feeling pretty gutted at not being there. I was due to participate, co-presenting a pre-conference workshop today on podcasting with my FIR co-host, Shel Holtz. But it wasn’t to be thanks to a grand conspiracy between the diary and to-do lists.

This is the third Forum in as many years (I’ve participated in each of the previous ones). This one has a really spectacular line-up of speakers and participants.

I’ll be following it all from here.


5 responses to “New Communication Forum gets underway”

  1. Jamie C avatar
    Jamie C

    Hi Neville, not sure if anyone shared the conference Wiki…

  2. […] We and others around us had a good chat over lunch about everything from the fate of newspapers (not as dire as many think) to the future of widgets and RSS (you’d better come to the next NewComm Forum). Bummed, though, that his colleague Neville Hobson couldn’t be here. These guys co-host the For Immediate Release podcast, which I enjoy greatly. They’re bright and insightful and apparently dedicated to improving the community of communicators — a rather respectable set of traits. […]

  3. neville avatar

    Thanks, Jamie, I appreciate the link.

    Lots of great things going on in Vegas, judging by the posts that are trickling out!

  4. Jen McClure avatar


    We really missed you at this year’s event. You got off this time – yes, work, schedules, we understand :-), but I definitely want you around for the next one!

    With warmest regards –

  5. neville avatar

    Thanks, Jen, appreciate those words. Yes, please, count me in for the next one.