I’d like to recommend some valuable, thought-provoking and, yes, entertaining business reading that I’m currently enjoying.
Two books:
- Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging by John Cass. A great wake-up call for corporations, says one reviewer. John highlights not only how blogging can improve a company’s relationship with its customers but also the mechanics of blogging, how it fits in to the marketing mix, how to develop employee guidelines and – one of the key focuses – how to conduct effective corporate blogger relations. Published in May 2007.
- The CEO: Chief Engagement Officer by John Smythe. Exploring a management philosophy which recognizes the value of opening up decision-making to the right groups to improve the quality of decisions and change, accelerate execution and broaden ownership. John asks what the concept of engagement means for employer and employee and tests whether and how its different from internal communication. Published in June 2007.
Shel and I interviewed John Smythe about his book in FIR #247.
Both of these books will be reviewed on FIR Book Reviews podcasts soon.
Two white papers:
- Relating to the Public – A New White Paper on the PR Industry’s Adoption of Social Media by Paul M. Rand and Giovanni Rodriguez on behalf of the Council of Public Relations Firms. The authors interviewed top communicators at leading companies and at major public relations agencies, asking them questions ranging from what new media tools they employ to what issues they expect will influence corporate communications and public relations agencies over the next five years. They also analyzed opinion polls from communicators about their use of social media tools. Published in June 2007.
- The New Media Cocktail by Chip Griffin. In this e-book, Chip argues that as the rules of media continue to change, a New Media Cocktail will emerge containing two powerful spirits: convergence and niches. The silos of text, audio, and video will cease to be separate and instead will unite as each is deployed on a story-by-story basis. Professional journalism and user-generated content will become intermingled. Content and applications will combine to create powerful information tools for consumers and businesses alike. And all of these powerful tools will be centered on niches, a potent organization of people with similar interests. Thought-provoking reading. Published in June 2007.
Two business journals:
- Communication World, July/August 2007 edition, published by IABC. This is the member journal from IABC so you won’t see this if you’re not an IABC member. The magazine always contains great content and this latest edition is no exception. I recommend one feature in particular – Rescuing PR’s Reputation (PDF download for IABC members) by Rita Marie Devin who writes a terrific piece on the multiple challenges which have put PR practitioners on the defensive and suggests ways to save the profession’s credibility and integrity.
- Journal of New Communications Research, Vol. II/Issue 1, Spring/Summer 2007, published by SNCR. This 139-page issue is packed with research-based content and features six papers on a wide range of topics. These include the effects of social media on the public relations profession by Christa Hines; an examination of the healthcare blogosphere by Fard Johnmar; and a report by John Cass from the Society’s Best Practices Committee that outlines best practices for the development of corporate blogging policies and features case studies on EDS, IBM, Intuit and Novell. Published in print and PDF, SNCR members receive the journal as part of their membership; others pay $60 per print copy or $50 per PDF download.
Plenty for your reading pleasure.
Any suggested books, white papers or business journals that you would recommend?
2 responses to “On my recommended reading list”
Wow, some great stuff here, Neville. Thanks for sharing your reading list.
And congrats on the FIR deal with Ragan!
Glad you find it useful, Donna. All of it really is terrific reading.
And thanks for the congrats!