A disturbing but far from surprising trend reported by Reuters:

Children in Europe are aware of the risks of illegal downloading, but often rationalize their act by saying that everyone — including their parents — is doing it, according to a major European Commission survey.

Other excuses included: the download is for personal and private purposes; the Web sites presumably remunerate the artists; claims of harm inflicted on artists lack credibility; and DVDs and CDs are simply too expensive.

Almost all of the children surveyed in the 27 European Union member countries as well as in Norway and Iceland said they expect to continue downloading. They also said the risk of downloading a virus was far more dissuasive than the risk of legal proceedings.

Reflective of the continuing attitude changes in society.

It’s another example of why you won’t see digital rights management (DRM) disappearing any time soon, no matter what some of the record labels are doing at the moment.

While I don’t see DRM in it’s current restrictive form lasting, there will be a technology control of some kind over what you can do with digital content.

Just as soon as everyone can agree what that should be.

3 responses to “The case for DRM”

  1. Chris Marritt avatar

    How about: “I got into Artist X through illegal copies. Without copying their CDs illegally, I’d never have bought concert tickets/their next CD/other merchandise”
    I’ve heard that before – as if they’re doing artists a favour.

  2. neville avatar

    Add that to the list of self-justifications people make when they steal stuff.

    That’s why DRM won’t go away.

  3. […] online. Neville Hobson, adjunct professor at the Podcast Asylum and co-host of FIR, argues that DRM will not go away because everyone on the planet is downloading illegal […]