Category: Twitter
How ‘social TV’ enables immersive involvement in live events
Audience participation with live TV events via social channels like Twitter is becoming increasingly common and a big part of audience expectations. I’m thinking of campaign-type events, not spontaneous or serendipitous actions by individual tweeters, Facebookers or Google+ers with their…
Twitter takes control of its story as it prepares for an IPO
The days when you heard about a company’s plans for a stock market flotation via a newspaper report or a TV or radio news item are now so much part of our nostalgic reflecting on simpler, slower times with the…
Tweets that self-destruct
I guess it’s inevitable that everyone reporting on Spirit for Twitter likens its self-destructing tweet service to SnapChat, the mobile app for real-time picture and video messaging that self-destruct after a sender-defined time, up to ten seconds. Spirit is similar…
Tweet catches on in the OED
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the premier British dictionary of the English language – or, as its tag line states, “the definitive record of the English language” – adds new words from time to time, as well as evolved meanings…
Number 10 hands out Twitter exclusives to favoured journalists
A discussion topic in episode 701 of the FIR podcast, published today, looks at a question asked in the Metro newspaper last week: should British politicians take notes from Barack Obama’s campaign team? The Metro’s excellent report looked at the…