Category: Web 3
See the wood for the trees with NFTs
We’re seeing the metaverse and Web 3.0 being used to hide promo codes, and companies are getting people to look around and earn things in the metaverse – that’s where I think there’s going to be a lot of growth.…
Get to know DAOs
Decentralized autonomous organizations or DAOs are a hot topic these days. And with so much reporting and opinion it can be hard not only to understand what a DAO is but also to better understand the significance of this very…
Second Life was ahead of its time
Around fifteen years ago, some big brands started playing in Second Life. For me, memorable names and what they did include General Motors with a cool Pontiac sports car: that’s virtual me behind the virtual wheel in the photo above.…
As NFT marketplaces take off, protecting your intellectual property rights is paramount
If 2021 was the year of growing awareness of a thing called a ‘non-fungible token‘ – NFT for short – 2022 looks like it will be the year of better understanding of NFTs, what you can do with them as…
Making NFTs as easy as shopping in a store
One of the difficulties with NFTs for most people is understanding precisely what they are and what they mean to a purchaser. Even the name from which the initialism is derived – ‘non-fungible token‘ – sounds like so much techno-babble.…