Tag: Dell
Second Life was ahead of its time
Around fifteen years ago, some big brands started playing in Second Life. For me, memorable names and what they did include General Motors with a cool Pontiac sports car: that’s virtual me behind the virtual wheel in the photo above.…
FIR Interview: Laura Thomas, Dell’s new Chief Blogger
One of the pioneering organizations that ventured into the embryonic blogosphere in the early days of social media was Dell with its Direct2Dell corporate blog. Launched in 2006, Direct2Dell gained early praise for its authenticity and transparency in how it…
Dell and the wow factor
Among the many announcements out of the Consumer Electronics Show this week is Dell’s new XPS 13 Ultrabook. Dell joins other manufacturers in the embryonic ultrabook segment late to the party, some say. Even if true, does it matter if…
FIR Interview: Dell Chief Blogger Lionel Menchaca
(If you don’t see the video embedded above, view it on YouTube.) We first spoke with Dell’s chief blogger, Lionel Menchaca, in an FIR interview on January 12, 2007, not too long after Dell’s first blog was launched. We spoke…
The trouble with Dell’s Vostro V130
For the past four months, I’ve been enjoying my time with a Dell Vostro V130 laptop computer as a participant in Dell’s #tradesecrets marketing campaign for the machine that Dell ran during the first quarter of this year. This Animoto…